Can you get approved for a loan with no employment?

In many cases, you cannot get a loan if you are not employed, since this is a vital thing that lenders look for in order to recover the money they lend out. 

However, there are different circumstances that lenders might consider, especially for those who are retired, freelancers or in between jobs.

According to recent statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of December 2023, the unemployment rate is around 3.9%, but there are a number of people in between jobs or working in the gig economy who may still be eligible for a loan.

In this article, we explore the possibilities and challenges of obtaining a loan without a conventional job.

Understanding the Basics of Loan Approval

Traditional lenders such as those offering personal loans or credit cards typically evaluate an applicant’s credit score, income stability, debt-to-income ratio and employment history to determine their eligibility. 

Employment serves as a key indicator of an individual’s ability to repay a loan, providing lenders with assurance regarding financial stability.

Without employment or a stable income, people may have to resort to unpleasant forms of borrowing, such as those from loan sharks or predatory lenders, selling valuable items they own through pawnbrokers or other specific loans for bad credit, which often carry high interest rates.

Do Lenders Consider Alternative Income Sources?

Yes, while conventional employment may not be a prerequisite for loan approval, alternative income sources can bolster your chances of securing financing. 

Freelancers, gig workers and independent contractors often generate income through diverse channels, such as freelance projects, rental properties, investments or royalties. 

When applying for a loan, highlighting these sources of income can demonstrate your capacity to meet repayment obligations, thereby enhancing your eligibility.

Can I Use My Assets as Collateral?

In the absence of regular employment, offering collateral can mitigate the risk for lenders and increase the likelihood of loan approval. 

Collateral typically includes valuable assets such as real estate, car (see auto loans) or savings accounts, which serve as security against the borrowed amount. 

By pledging collateral, applicants provide lenders with recourse in the event of default, thereby offsetting the perceived risk associated with non-traditional employment situations.

How To Build a Stronger Credit Profile

A robust credit history can significantly influence loan approval decisions, irrespective of employment status. 

Timely payments, low credit utilization and a diversified credit mix reflect responsible financial behavior, instilling confidence in lenders regarding your repayment capacity. 

Prioritize maintaining a healthy credit score by managing existing debts judiciously, monitoring your credit report for inaccuracies, and avoiding excessive credit inquiries.

Can I Use Co-Signers or Guarantors?

In situations where securing a loan independently proves challenging, getting the support of a co-signer or guarantor can strengthen your application. 

A co-signer, typically a family member or trusted friend, agrees to assume responsibility for loan repayment if the primary borrower defaults. Similarly, a guarantor provides a financial guarantee to the lender, offering reassurance regarding the borrower’s creditworthiness. 

By involving a co-signer or guarantor with stable employment and a strong credit history, applicants can enhance their credibility in the eyes of lenders, potentially leading to more favorable loan terms.

What Are The Specialist Loan Options Available?

In recognition of evolving employment trends and changing borrower demographics, financial institutions have introduced specialized loan products tailored to accommodate non-traditional employment arrangements. 

These include self-employed mortgages, personal loans for freelancers, and small business loans for entrepreneurs. 

Such offerings often feature flexible eligibility criteria and customized repayment terms designed to cater to the unique needs of self-employed individuals and unconventional borrowers.

While securing a loan without traditional employment presents challenges, it is not a total barrier to borrowing. By exploring some of the avenues in this article, individuals can enhance their prospects of loan approval. 

However, it’s essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research to select reputable lenders and negotiate favorable terms. Ultimately, with careful planning and diligent financial management, individuals can navigate the loan application process successfully, even in the absence of conventional employment.

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What Goes Into Finding a Fulfilling Career?

Starting a career is a big step in anyone’s life, and getting off on the right foot is crucial for future success. If you’re just starting out or looking to shift gears in your career, there are a few factors to consider that can help you find a fulfilling job. Below, we explore these factors and give you pointers for finding a job that can offer long-term satisfaction and growth.

Understanding the Meaning of a Fulfilling Career

A fulfilling career varies from person to person, as fulfillment comes from different sources for everyone. Some people find fulfillment in helping others, while others enjoy solving complex problems. It’s a deeply personal matter that aligns with one’s interests, values, and personal life goals.

An individual’s sense of fulfillment often ties to the pleasure they derive from the work they do. It could be a profession that lets you interact and connect with people, deliver innovative solutions, or engage in thought-provoking matters.

A fulfilling career can also imply having a sense of accomplishment, pride, and satisfaction in your work. It provides a chance to constantly evolve, learn, and grow in your chosen field. Some people find fulfillment in achieving a fine balance between their work life and personal life.

For example, if you are strong in strategic thinking and enjoy the art of selling, you might find an online masters in marketing fulfilling, as it would cater to your interests and strengths.

Key Factors To Consider When Choosing a Career Path

It’s important to take the time to understand what you want from a career. One good approach is to think about the working conditions you enjoy, the people you like to work with, and the tasks you would find meaningful and engaging.

You should also consider your interests, aptitudes, and the level of education or skills required for a particular career. You might enjoy a career that involves cooking, for instance, if you are passionate about food and enjoy creative expression in culinary arts. You may want to turn this passion into a career. You can search for “culinary school New York City” to find the right school to pursue your passion.

The Role of Passion, Skills, and Values in Career Fulfillment

Passion for your work can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction. It can motivate you to persist in the face of difficulties or challenges in the workplace. Your passion sparks your desire to make a difference, and it’s something worth considering in the pursuit of a fulfilling career.

Apart from passion, having the needed skills and abilities for a job can contribute significantly to career fulfillment. Effective training and development opportunities can also enhance job satisfaction and career fulfillment.

Moreover, it’s important to consider your own values and ethics when choosing a career. Working in an organization that aligns with your personal values can enhance your sense of job satisfaction and lead to a more fulfilling career.

How Continuous Learning Can Contribute to Career Satisfaction

Continuous learning is key to sustaining success and satisfaction in your career. It not only helps you keep up with industry changes and trends, but it also fosters personal growth and development.

By investing in professional development and continual knowledge enhancement, you’ll increase your value in the job market. This growth can lead to exciting new opportunities, greater job security, and increased job satisfaction and fulfillment.

Building a fulfilling career is a constant journey, and those who are open to learning, enrichment, and personal growth are more likely to find job satisfaction than those who remain stagnant in their skills and knowledge.

A fulfilling career comes from a mix of passion, skills, values, understanding the job market trends, and a keen dedication to continuous learning. It’s not just about what a job can offer you but what you can bring to a job.

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The Best Tech For Your Home Office

Ultimately when working from home and keeping a home office you need to make sure that you keep a clean, organised desk. It is as essential as having the proper tech at your fingertips. Fortunately, you can achieve both these things at the same time by making an investment in wireless gear.

A great wireless mouse, keyboard and pair of headphones can significantly reduce the amount of clutter on your desk. However it can also make it simpler to change locations once it’s time to get back to the office. If you’re ready to clear your workspace of those annoying cables and free up your computer’s precious USB ports, here’s some of the best work-from-home tech we’ve tested.

Apple AirPods Pro

Invest in a great pair of noise-cancelling earphones that’ll work well for cancelling out distractions during your video conference calls. Apple’s AirPods Pro are a top pick – they might be pricey however they last ages and deliver top-quality audio, whether that’s at work or away from your home office.

Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5 2-In-1 Windows Laptop 

This is one of our favourite Windows laptops. The Ryzen 5 processor and its 16 GB of RAM offer up plenty of power for the usual everyday tasks. Better still, the excellent 14-inch IPS screen is paired with a 360-degree hinge that gives you the ability to convert it into tablet mode and interact with the touchscreen (with your finger or the stylus included). If you would like more power, go for the Ryzen 7-powered model.

Logitech MX Master 3

A good mouse is a must-have for any serious workstation or for anyone who loves playing keno online real money games. Trackpads are all well and good however when you have to do a lot of text editing, clicking around, or any kind of click-and-drag, a mouse just does it better. The mouse that rules all mice is the Logitech MX Master 3S, which made a couple of improvements on the prior spot holder, the MX Master 3.

Whether you’re at your desk utilising a mousepad, on your couch utilising your leg or armrest, or in the kitchen utilising a marble countertop, this mouse will keep working thanks to its Darkfield sensor. With this latest version, you also get a bit more sensitivity, which is adjustable up to 8 000 DPI, so faster mouse movements are at your fingertips.

Portable Dual & Triple Screen Laptop Monitor – TRIO

There was a period not that long ago when laptops were so cumbersome and carrying them was not convenient. However today, with the development of silicon technology, laptops have become thinner than ever.

In fact, not only can you travel with your laptop but also with its accessories such as a portable monitor. One such accessory is TRIO, which stands for a triple monitor system for your laptop. This innovative product features up to three screens which will offer you efficient multitasking together with boosting your productivity.

If you are a stock trader, gamer, coder, entrepreneur, student, or even a working professional, this portable dual-screen laptop monitor is the answer to impeccable multitasking.

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3 Lifestyle Tips For Hard Workers

Whether you work in a restaurant kitchen, are a long-haul truck driver, or regularly put in long hours at the office, being a hard worker is not easy! You are an asset to whomever you work for because not everyone works as hard as you do, but sometimes you can get taken advantage of because of your hard-working nature. If you’re always thinking of ways to work more and constantly putting in overtime, read on. Here are 3 helpful lifestyle tips for hard workers.

Take Time Off

Even those who love their jobs and have a strong work ethic need to take time off at least once a year or so if possible. To avoid burnout, you need a little time away from your job to do the things you love and spend time with your family. If you aren’t able to get paid time off, save up some money so that you are able to take the vacation (or staycation) that you need.

Additionally, if anything happens to you you need to be comfortable taking time off to heal. For example, if you are injured in a truck accident you may be inclined to go back to work right away and work through your pain, but that is not the smart thing to do. Sick pay is available at most jobs for a reason, so be sure to use it at the times you really need it and get your body back to 100% before returning to your regular work schedule.

Take Breaks

Many hard workers find it difficult to take breaks because they know there is a lot that needs to be done and they’d rather just work through their breaks in order to meet their deadlines. For others, they may find that taking a break slows them down or makes them tired. Either way, it is important for both your mind and your body to take breaks when you can. This simple practice will actually end up improving your work in the long run.

Stand Up For Yourself

Sometimes when people are very hard workers, their employers take notice of this and ask then to take on even more duties because they know that they will get the job done right. Unfortunately, because of this you can easily get taken advantage of.

To avoid this, make sure to always stand up for yourself and only take on the duties that you know you can handle. You should also ask for extra compensation if you are asked to take on a significant amount of more work!

Having a strong work ethic is a great quality to have. Just try to stand your ground and give yourself breaks when you need to and you will be just fine!

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Earnity’s Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa on Crypto’s Rising Popularity

As a company led by fintech veterans Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa, Earnity believes that crypto and decentralized finance will play an enormous role in making access possible for all. While crypto has gone from super niche to mainstream fringe in a little more than a decade, there is still a lot of work to be done to make crypto simple, safe, and enjoyable to use.

Cryptocurrencies have been around for quite some time now, but they have only recently become popular. Bitcoin is the most popular among the cryptocurrency ranks, but many others are gaining traction. Below are some of the most popular cryptocurrencies.

The Rise of Crypto

Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and is still the most popular. This crypto was created in 2009 and is used for all sorts of online transactions.

Ethereum is a newer cryptocurrency created in 2015. It is like Bitcoin but still has marked differences. Ethereum is used to build decentralized applications, which run on a network of computers instead of one central server.

Litecoin is another popular cryptocurrency created in 2011. It has similarities with Bitcoin but differs in several ways. Litecoin, for example, is used for smaller transactions because it has  lower transaction costs than Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash is among the newer cryptocurrencies. Created in 2017, Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin and is used for larger transactions.

Ripple is another cryptocurrency gaining popularity recently. Created in 2012, Ripple is used for small and large transactions. It is faster and cheaper than Bitcoin.

As Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa point out, there are many other cryptocurrencies whose popularity has risen impressively over the past few years. And with the crypto market expected to grow even further in the future, it is vital to stay up-to-date on all the latest developments, which platforms such as Earnity are designed for.

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What Is Business Intelligence Software?

Business intelligence software can be complicated, but we are here to help! Keep reading to learn more about business intelligence software and how it can benefit your company.

Defining Business Intelligence Software

Have you ever searched “what is business intelligence software?” Business intelligence software is a category of software that helps organizations analyze business data and make better business decisions. The purpose of business intelligence software is to allow businesses to see the big picture by compiling data from all aspects of the company into one place so that trends and patterns can be identified. Business intelligence software typically includes features such as data mining, reporting, and analytics.

Data mining is the process of extracting valuable information from large data sets. Business intelligence software can use data mining techniques to identify patterns and trends in data. This information can then be used to make better business decisions. Reporting allows businesses to create and view reports that contain data from multiple sources. This can help businesses get a better understanding of their data and see how it is affecting their business. Analytics is the process of analyzing data to find trends and patterns. Business intelligence software can use analytics to help businesses understand what is happening in their business and make better decisions based on that information.

The Benefits of Using Business Intelligence Software

There are many benefits of using business intelligence software, including the following:

  • Increased efficiency. By analyzing data, businesses can identify inefficiencies in their operations and fix them quickly. This can lead to increased efficiency and reduced costs.
  • Better decision-making. With accurate and timely data, businesses can make better decisions based on factual information rather than intuition or guesswork. This can lead to improved outcomes for the business.
  • Improved customer service. Businesses that use business intelligence software can track customer behavior and preferences over time. This allows them to provide better service and products that meet the needs of their customers.
  • Greater competitiveness. Businesses that have access to detailed data about their industry and their competitors are at a competitive advantage. They can use this information to make strategic decisions about pricing, marketing, and product development that give them a leg up on the competition.

Installing and Using Business Intelligence Software

Business intelligence software helps organizations analyze data and track business performance. There are a number of different business intelligence software options available, so it is important to select the one that best meets the needs of your organization.

Before you can install business intelligence software, you first need to determine what data you want to analyze. Collecting this data can be done manually or through an automated process. Once you have the data, you need to create a database in which to store it. This database will be used by the business intelligence software to generate reports and graphs about your business performance.

After you have created the database, you can then begin installing the business intelligence software. The installation process will vary depending on the type of software you are using but typically involves installing a server application and client applications on workstations throughout your organization. After the software is installed, you will need to configure it according to your specific needs. This includes specifying which data should be analyzed and designing reports and graphs that meet your organization’s needs.

Once the business intelligence software is configured, users can start generating reports and analyzing business performance. Reports can be generated on-demand or they can be scheduled to run automatically at regular intervals. By tracking business performance over time, organizations can identify trends and make better decisions about how to improve their businesses

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WordPress Accessibility: How to Address Compliance Issues – accessiBe WordPress

If you’re running a WordPress website, you need to be aware of the accessibility compliance issues. While WordPress is generally accessible, some areas need to be addressed to ensure full compliance. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common issues regarding accessibility for those with disabilities and how to address them. We’ll also provide tips for making your website more accessible for everyone, like using accessiBe WordPress.

What is accessibility compliance, and why is it important?

Accessibility compliance refers to the legal requirements that businesses must adhere to to make their websites accessible for people with disabilities. These requirements are set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are enforced by the Department of Justice (DOJ).

There are many reasons why accessibility compliance is important. First and foremost, it is the right thing to do. People with disabilities should have equal access to information and services online, just like everyone else. Additionally, complying with the ADA can help you avoid expensive lawsuits. In recent years, there has been a surge in accessibility-related lawsuits against businesses, resulting in large settlements. Finally, making your website accessible can help you reach a larger audience. People with disabilities are one of the fastest-growing segments of the population and they have considerable spending power.

What are the most common WordPress accessibility issues?

One of the most common accessibility issues with WordPress websites is that they are not fully optimized for screen readers. This can be a major problem for the blind or have low vision, as they may not be able to access the content on your website. There are a few ways you can address this issue:

  • Ensure that all your content is available in an accessible format, such as plain text or HTML.

  • Install a plugin that will help optimize your website for screen readers.

  • Use clear and concise language in all your content.

Another common accessibility issue is that some WordPress themes are not fully responsive. This can be a problem for mobile devices or have difficulty using a mouse. There are a few ways you can address this issue:

  • Install a plugin that will help make your website more responsive.

  • Choose a fully responsive WordPress theme.

  • Use clear and concise language in all your content.

Finally, some WordPress plugins can cause accessibility issues. This is usually because they are not properly coded. There are a few ways you can address this issue:

  • Install a plugin that will help check for accessibility issues.

  • Choose plugins that have been specifically designed for accessibility.

  • Use clear and concise language in all your content.

Other FAQs about WordPress accessibility

Q: Do I need to worry about accessibility if my website is not WordPress?

A: No, you do not need to worry about accessibility if your website is not WordPress. However, it is still a good idea to make your website as accessible as possible.

Q: What happens if I don’t comply with the ADA?

A: If you don’t comply with the ADA, you may be subject to a lawsuit. Additionally, you may be required to pay damages and attorneys’ fees.


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Is Your Business Attractive to the Outside World?

Having a business that proves attractive to the world is a thing all owners should strive for.

That said how would you rate your company when it comes to attracting business?

If you are doing all that is necessary to field a good business, the hope is everything falls into place for you.

So, what steps should you be taking if not already doing so to field a more attractive business?

Customer Service Can Never Be Overlooked

One of the big mistakes too many owners overlook is providing top-notch service.

With that thought in mind, is there more you can and should be doing when it comes to the level of service you offer?

By showing your customers how much they mean to you, you’ll stand a better chance of keeping the majority of them.

Make sure if you have employees that they too go out of their way to keep customers happy.

Given many consumers have many options when it comes to their shopping; you want to be their choice.

Also look to your use of technology.

Keep in mind that many consumers use a lot of tech in their daily lives. As such, odds are many of these people will expect you to do the same.

While some businesses manage to get by with little tech, most find it nothing short of essential.

So, this means you want to be sure your employees have all the tech they need to get their jobs done.

From being productive in the office to when they are out on the road, supply your team with whatever tech they need.

Speaking of needs, imagine for a moment if your business was not very good at managing money. Could you expect to be in business for very long?

Not only do your customers want a prosperous business to deal with, investors look to this in a company too.

So, you’re not going to attract too much interest in your business from investors or buyers if finances are a mess.

Do your best to not only keep adding revenue, but to think about what your business looks like should you opt to sell.

There can be one or myriad of reasons why you look to sell your business at some point.

That said you want an attractive business to put out in front of potential buyers.

You also want to know how to value a startup, namely yours should you decide to sell.

By knowing the true value of your company before you put it on the market, you’ll be in a much better spot. That is to get what you want for it.

Finally, you want to be sure your company’s reputation and your own for that matter are as good as they can be.

Whether you stay with your current business for years or move on, your reputation must stand out. That is stand out for all the right reasons.

In looking at how others may view your business, will you be happy with what you see?

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Top 10 Tips For Being An ADA Friendly Company – accessiBe

Running a company can be a difficult task, no matter what industry you’re in. There are many things to take into consideration when building your company from the ground up, and this will only become more difficult once you’ve been given the responsibility of hiring employees or opening up a new branch of your business. However, there are ways to make your website more accessible to people with disabilities by using available tools on the web, such as accessiBe.

1) Be proactive – The lawsuits are just starting to come in because of changes made by the Department Of Justice regulations which went into effect March 15th, 2012. Don’t get caught off guard, and never assume that the changes made to your website will be enough. Have a plan in place so you can update your site quickly should you find that there are areas for improvement.

2) Determine what measures need to be taken – The next step after assessing whether or not your company is ADA compliant is determining which changes need to be made to improve your site. You can get the assistance of someone familiar with disabilities, but you want to make sure they’re not part of the problem (ie; Not using flash elements).

3) Get some help – If you don’t have the skills or staff necessary to address these issues, it might be time to hire an experienced web development company. Make sure you vet companies carefully, so they’re not just throwing out buzzwords about making websites more accessible.

4) Know that it will take time – You can’t go into this with the idea that everything will be fixed by the time your site goes live. This is an ongoing process and can lead to additional costs down the road if you have a large company with many branches.

5) Not everyone will be reached – Just like any other market, there are some people that will never purchase from your site, and this is especially true when it comes to disabilities. You may never see an increase in sales of certain products, but at least you’ll know that you’ve done the best you can to meet your requirements under the ADA.

6) Avoid using marketing – While it may be tempting to use buzzwords like ” Accessible Website Design ” and other phrases, this is not the best way to go about it. Using terms that are too fancy only confuses customers when they’re searching for companies online.

7) The future – As time goes on, you’ll start to see more changes to the ADA regulations, which will affect your business. These are typically not large scale, but you want to make sure that everyone is up-to-date with these changes so they can adjust accordingly.

8) Stay current – There are many organizations and events that help to keep people informed of the latest news. For example, National Disability Rights Network has several seminars that can be beneficial to businesses and is a great way for you to network with other companies in your area.

9) Resources online – There’s an abundance of information on this topic available online. From the ADA website to other sources, there’s plenty of information for you to read and sort through so you can find the solution that works best for your company.

10) The bottom line – You’ll always come across opposition when you do something to better your business, and in this case, this means finding a web design company that understands the needs of its customers. Keep an open mind and remember that there’s always more than one solution to any problem or issue.

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Is Client Satisfaction Your Main Focus?

When you run your own business, it is safe to say you have a lot of things going on at one time.

With that in mind, how much time and effort do you put into client satisfaction?

It is important to always keep in mind that you would not have a business to begin with were it not for your clients.

So, is there more you need to do when it comes to satisfying the most important folks in your business world?

Never Overlook Customer Service

In doing what it takes to satisfy and keep clients happy, here are some things to hone in on if not doing enough of:

1. Customer service – How would you rate your level of customer service? If it is adequate at best, chances are some or many clients will go elsewhere. That is especially true if they have choices when it comes to your industry. So, make it a point to go above and beyond in the area of customer service. Make sure you talk to your clients and get quality feedback from them. That feedback can go a long way in improving the customer service you provide. You want to be sure you’re a good listener. Given your interactions with many clients can be rather short, be sure you make the most of them.

2. Equipment you offer – Depending on the business you have, you may offer a lot of goods and services to clients. The key is to make sure anything you offer is top-notch. If you run a spa, salon or similar business, the facility itself and the equipment you have needs to be first-rate. If it is not, chances are some of those clients will go elsewhere at some point. From a professional facial steamer to other products, review equipment. That is do so on a regular basis. If some items appear to be on their last leg, do your best to replace them. Not only is this practical from a service standpoint, you do not want to have injuries. That would be due to bad equipment. Such injuries could happen to either clients or your staff.

3. Providing updated tech – It stands to reason a fair number of your clients use a fair amount of tech in their lives. As such, chances are some or much of the tech they use is newer. So, do your part to keep your technology updated. Not only does is this items in your business clients will be exposed to, but also like your online presence. It is critical in today’s tech world to be up to speed on your technology needs. For example, do you have a small business app? Have you put together a first-rate online store to sell goods and services? Such things can make a big difference. Of most importance, they give you a 24/7 connection with current and prospective clients.

As you look to focus in on client satisfaction, where will your priorities end up being?

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