Could 3D printing revolutionize manufacturing?

Is it possible that do-it-yourself manufacturing could one day be a reality where the vast majority of products are concerned?

Similar to how the Internet helped to level the playing field, 3D printing could well do the same in the manufacturing sector.


With 3D printing, very soon you might not need all the capital to be able to make things. Soon, everyone will have the opportunity to produce hundreds of their own goods, at least on a small scale.

3D printing is being applied to everything from concrete to chocolate and even cells. It’s being used by corporations and consumers alike, who understand how the technology has the potential to give them a competitive advantage, whether it’s in business or just to save the individual some money.

3D Printing for all?

3D printing isn’t a new technology. It’s actually be around for years. However, it was only recently given its cool new moniker, whereas before it was known by the much more stale term “additive manufacturing”, which meant creating products layer by layer. However, the term 3D printing has taken over as the technology has now become cheap enough to be “consumer-friendly”, which means the vast majority of people can take advantage of it. In addition, new techniques and advances have been made, and the Internet is helping to make it more popular.

The technology has come so far that industry is now bracing itself for change. Manufacturing for the masses is set to become the next big industrial revolution, allowing everyone to take part in the process. This will be similar to the time when computers were made widely available to the public, having previously been restricted to only big companies and governments.

Today, 3D printing can be done at home, in the office, at schools, inside hospitals, meaning non-manufacturers can now manufacture all kinds of items.

As a result of its popularity, 3D printing is also being considered by numerous new industries, including the aerospace, automotive, defense and healthcare sectors. With 3D printers now capable of printing new materials, and producing bigger objects at that, it’s now possible to manufacture all kinds of complex things, such as aircraft parts, more aerodynamic car parts, and so on. In the future, the military might be able to manufacture spare parts right on the battlefield.

This article was brought to you by the Norwegian packaging company Pall-Pack AS. Pakkemaskiner is Norwegian and means packaging machines. With the widest range of packaging machines, we have the right one for you.

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How to Protect Your Car in Winter

The winter months tend to wreak havoc on cars, especially the ones that sit outside in the cold temperatures. Between the below freezing temperatures, hail and ice, melting snow, and salted roads, cars are extremely vulnerable to damage during the winter.


While there is no way to protect cars completely from the winter season, there are some preventative measures you can take to keep it protected throughout the season. Taking the time to care for your car can help it continue to run smoothly in the future years.

Cover Your Car

If possible, try to keep your car covered when it is not being used in winter. Whether that is parking it in the garage, under a carport, or using a quality car cover, keeping your car protected from the elements can not only keep it safe, but also make your morning commute easier.

Moreover, keeping your car covered will keep it from getting covered in snow, which can protect your windows and windshield. Extreme temperature changes can crack glass, which could lead to damaged windshields and windows. Additionally, in extremely wet areas where it hails frequently during winter, a car cover can shield your glass and paint from chips. While using a company like Phoenix auto glass can help repair any damages, preventative measures can help you keep your car looking beautiful all winter long.

However, if you cannot cover your car, be careful when removing snow and ice from your car. Never use warm water to remove the snow, as it can shatter windows, and be gentle with your actions when chipping ice away in order to avoid damaging your car.

Be Prepared

Before winter arrives, stock up your garage with all the necessary tools you may need, including socket wrenches, screwdrivers, good cleaners, and the right glass cleaners. If you have a problem with your car, such as a flat tire, you will be happy you have all the tools you need right in your garage.

Car Maintenance

Take some time to take preventative measures such as washing your car before the first snowstorm comes. Bugs and other debris can actually freeze onto your car, making them exceedingly difficult to remove.

Do not forget about keeping the inside of your engine clean as well. Gravel, dirt, and other outdoor elements can get stuck in the crevices, which can prevent water from draining out of your car properly. If water is stuck anywhere in the car, during freezing temperatures, it can freeze inside of the car. This can lead to the car not running properly, to mildew growing inside, and even rust.

Wash Your Car

Many people do not think about washing their car during winter, as the weather often prevents it. Additionally, many think the snow and rain naturally wash their car. However, the outdoor elements have minerals in them that can damage the paint of your car. Plus, the salt used on roads can damage the underside of your car, as well as the tires, and washing your car in winter can help remove those road salts away.


If the antifreeze in your car is old, it can lose its effectiveness. If it is not doing its job properly, you may notice some trouble with the way your engine runs in winter. While engine trouble is more common in winter than other seasons, by using antifreeze properly, it should help keep your engine from seizing.


Cars work harder during winter, which can mean that your oil might need to be changed more frequently. Most people follow the mileage rule or wait until their car alerts them that it is time for an oil change. In winter, however, the rules are slightly different. Keep an eye on your oil, especially in extreme weather, and make sure it is clean in order to keep your car running at optimal performance.

Floor Mats

Due to the wet grounds, your shoes can damage the interior of your car if you are not using the right floor mats. Look to use rubber floor mats that can withstand mud, rain, and snow, otherwise, your car might start to mildew on the interior.

Following these tips can help your stay protected and you driving safely during the winter months.

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Marketing to Capture Results For Small Business

Any business owner knows that marketing in smart, innovative ways is key to capturing business. You want to grab the attention of new customers while keeping your current ones returning. A smart marketing plan will help you do this. Keep it alive, innovative and always working.


Do it Yourself

You may be very adept at marketing your company yourself. You’ll save money this way, and get things done the way you want. Remember, the key here is to get the consumer’s attention. Whether they are your current customer or you’re looking for new clients, attention is the key. Here are some fun ways of grabbing it:

  • Create custom stickers and work them. You can create custom, die-cut stickers with your logo or artwork and send them into the big, wide world. Include them in your shipping and mailings. Stick them on your car and your friends’ cars. Have them in your stores for your customers to grab and stick them on their stuff.
  • Go altruistic. Share a gift card on your social media. Small businesses have recently shown their altruistic side by screenshotting a gift card (think Starbucks) and letting their customers have a treat on them. It’s lovely to see the gratitude, and when you’d think some person would scoop it all up, no one does. Everyone is grateful and enjoys sharing the good will.
  • Use social media. Let your followers do the work for you, and everyone benefits. Invite your followers to share the photos with your product or brand in it. You can even offer a reward for the one that gets the most likes.
  • Create a contest. Let your clients be your marketers. Invite them to design a new logo, come up with a new catch phrase or create the next flavor. You’ll see great results this way.
  • Sponsor a team or be a school partner. This is a win win. You’ll see lots more customers coming in and you’ll be supporting the community. You can offer seasonal discounts (like promotions on flowers during prom season if you’re a florist) or weekly specials (like 10% off your meal with spirit wear after a football game if you’re a restaurant).
  • Host a 5K. You can donate the money earned to a non-profit of choice (perhaps related to your business). You can hand out promotions, discounts, those stickers, and other information at the race. You’ll form bonds with partners and let your customers see you in a new light.
  • Sell t-shirts. Have t-shirts for sale in your storefront or restaurant with your brand. Encourage customers to tag you in social media when they wear them. People love t-shirts of their favorite things.
  • Host open houses. If you have a storefront, have an open house. You can have wine and cheese in the evening, or cupcakes and cookies. You can donate a percentage of the purchases made during that time, and just be on hand to chat with and get to know customers. It’s a nice way to say thank you.

Stay Relevant

It’s important to stay relevant with what your company stands for. Keep the context to where it makes sense. For instance, you’re not going to advertise your Birthday Parties for Kids in a club where young singles go. You don’t want to advertise that club on the back of your kid’s softball jersey, either. Think how things work together and play off one another, and do what makes sense.

Outsourcing Marketing

Business owners need to wear a lot of hats. Some slip on quite easily, while others may be a tougher fit. If marketing isn’t your thing, hire someone else to handle it. The money spent will probably be worth it, because marketing is an essential part to running a business. Outsourcing marketing can get you started, feed you ideas and get a strong customer base. A consultant can help you with techniques you can work on by yourself. Sometimes it pays to let the experts handle it.

Look around for more great marketing ideas to see what fits for you. From stickers to t-shirts to community clean up days, you can go in whatever direction you desire. The trend in marketing these days is to make it personal, relevant and community oriented. Let your customers see a human side of you and your business. Share it with them, and they in turn will end up sharing it with others.

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Go Online and Advance Your Education Level

How much education is necessary for you to properly do your job and keep your career moving along at a solid pace?

For many professionals, it seems there can never be too much education on their resumes. With more and more careers requiring technical skills, online experience and the ability to juggle a number of tasks at any given time in the workplace, being highly educated certainly comes in handy.


With that being the case, take some time and see where you are well-covered and perhaps a little deficient on the educational side, especially if you want to maintain your ability to move up the corporate ladder.

You Can Never Have Too Much Education

In order to properly assess your educational needs in the workplace that pays your bills and allows you to for the most part enjoy the lifestyle you want and have, look at the following factors:

  1. Your employer – Start with reviewing your current job, what your employer asks of you and how you can properly gather the additional skills and education you need. Is your employer seemingly always offering advancements and raises at work? Is he or she bringing in outside talent instead of possibly giving you a promotion due to your educational level? Finally, does your employer offer some or full opportunities to go back to school (including online options) in order for you and others to accrue more education? These are all areas that you should have a good handle on so you are never left behind;
  2. Online options – With the growth of the Internet on what seems like a daily basis, more companies are allowing workers to not have to travel to colleges and other educational facilities after work in the evenings or on weekends to gain the additional schooling and skills they might need. Whether you have/want to strengthen your skills in data and communications or a wide array of other course work and job skills, don’t be hesitant to roll up your sleeves and take advantage of online courses. Yes, the extra time needed to study and take tests may seem a little burdensome at times, but the rewards for gaining that added education and then applying it to the tasks you’re ask to do at work can never be taken for granted. Finally, get yourself comfortable with online needs and skills if you haven’t really been a regular on the Internet over the last decade or so. The worldwide web has so much to offer, but how to find it and take advantage of it does take some work on your part. This is especially crucial for older employees who have not grown up with the Internet like today’s 20-somethings have. Don’t be afraid or feel overwhelmed at times when on the web. In the long run, the online and educational skills you attain via the Internet will only bolster your career ;
  3. Co-workers – Stop and take some time to see what those you work with are doing to improve their workplace skills, especially via online opportunities. For those fellow employees you are friends with, you can oftentimes do online classes together, taking some of the fear out of it for you or all of you (depending on how many decide to go to class together). It is also a good idea to collaborate with some co-workers to see which coursework they might have been asked to take by management to improve their standing in the company and ultimately their careers. There are a number of fields that have really taken off in recent years or the last decade or so, so investigate what may and may not assist you in your online educational endeavors;
  4. Personal growth – Last but not least, are you growing personally and at the pace you want to? Your career and what you do outside the job do in fact intertwine at times, so be fulfilled and happy in both. Taking online courses and getting a degree via your online efforts can serve as a springboard both professionally and personally. Obtaining that degree or degrees can be just the answer to making you professionally satisfied and also happy and content when you leave the workplace each and every day.



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What You Need to Know Before Purchasing Life Insurance

Life insurance is a tough thing to think about. But something that everyone should have for sound financial planning. It is essential to protecting your family and your estate should something happen to you. A non working spouse should be insured as well, as help the surviving spouse would have to hire help should something happen. Purchasing insurance can seem as daunting as thinking about it, though, so doing a little research beforehand is usually a good idea.


Where to go

As you begin your insurance research, it’s important to take a look at some reputable companies and their websites. Most companies that you’d want to work with have a thorough website that can help you know what you need. For instance, a site like the one the Leibel Insurance Group has is full of relevant information that will be helpful even before you’ve decide what you want or who you want to work with.

It’s a good idea to take a look at these sites and find out what they offer and what pertains to you. If you’re not even sure how to find sites, ask some of your friends and family. You want someone strong in the community with a good reputation who will not only help get what you is fitting for you and your lifestyle, but be there if and when your family needs them.

You can also research some blogs pertaining to life insurance, and you can find those through your search engine or by checking out some social media sites. Experts can offer some great advice, and online it’s free!

What to think about

No one really wants to think about life insurance, but it’s something you need have to provide for your loved ones should something happen to you. It’s important to weigh things like coverage and policies before purchasing. Here are a few items regarding insurance to consider…

  • Decide what and how much coverage you need. Think about your contribution to the family income and current debts and expenses you have. What will be sufficient should something happen? What about your spouse, what kind of insurance should he or she carry?
  • What can you afford? Make sure that you can afford what you’re thinking of purchasing. Sure, it will be an expense but make it an affordable one.
  • Think about your needs. Different policies cover different things. And while you’re at it, do you need more than just life insurance. Sometimes it’s smart to have all your insurance needs with one company. Other times you can save money by going to different agents, and some agents specialize in one thing or another.
  • Review your policy every few years. Once you’ve purchased a policy, it doesn’t mean you can stick in the back of your mind and forget about it. Things change and your policy needs to change with it. Everything from promotions to inflation to dependents will affect your policy needs so a review every so often is important.

When looking for an agent and/or company

Choosing an insurance company is a personal decision. Often with work you don’t have much choice when it comes to certain insurance, but when you’re choosing on your own, you get to make the choice. It’s smart to look around and decide what works well for you. Some people love a big name company and feel secure with it, others prefer a smaller company that makes them feel like an individual

You also want a company, no matter what size, that has a history of good ratings and excellent customer service. Make sure there aren’t any major complaints against the company, and if there are, why and what was done. You want someone who will see that everything is smooth should something happen. Also, when you talk to any agents, make sure they are doing what you want, not convincing you to do what they want.

Purchasing Life Insurance

As hard as it is to think about, you’ve got to do it. You won’t want to leave your family in debt or in financial struggle should something happen to you. Life insurance can offer not only financial security, but also a piece of mind.

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Optimind for Memory, Focus and Mental Energy

Whether you have difficulty concentrating, feel foggy, or lack energy, nootropic supplements may offer the solution you have been hoping to find. Optimind and other supplements contain ingredients that help to improve focus, concentration, and enhance cognitive function, memory, and mental energy. If you are searching for an energy supplement, it is important to find a source of information that is not linked to the company selling you their product.


Getting the Information You Need

Making an informed decision is beneficial for your health, wellness, and getting the results you want when taking supplements for cognitive enhancement. Optimind review and information can be found at Brain Enhancement Advisor. If you are looking for independent and unbiased product reviews, you can find reviews and comparisons about the best supplements on this website.

Better Memory and Cognitive Function

The desire for improvements in memory, cognition, energy, and mental performance is common among adults of all ages. The makers of this product claim that it offers improvements in memory, focus, eliminates the foggy feeling in your head, and helps to boost energy levels, so you can get everything done and enhance mental performance and cognitive function. Besides a healthy diet and plenty of Vitamin A, there are some other options like listed below.

Increases Energy Levels Naturally

Are you struggling with low energy levels? Does lack of mental energy interfere with you overall performance at school or work? If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Many adults in the United States seem to be overworked, overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted. This energy supplement helps to increase your energy levels, enabling you to improve performance and feel better.

Proven Ingredients

The unique blend of nootropic and herbal ingredients offers improvements in memory and energy levels. The formula includes some known nootropics and substances that naturally boost focus and energy levels. The ingredients include phosphatidylserine, vinpocetine, choline, DMAE, tyrosine, alpha lipoic acid, and taurine. Other ingredients include Vitamins B3, B6, B12, D3, and green tea leaf extract. The formula is considered to be safe and effective.

Fast Results, Guaranteed

Some nootropic supplements don’t work immediately and you may have to take them for days, or weeks, to notice a significant improvement in focus and clarity. When you need faster results, you may want to try a supplement that delivers results from the first dose. The makers of this product promise fast results with the use of this product. They guarantee that you will see results within an hour of taking the product.

Favorable Reviews

Product reviews can be a valuable source of information, as long as they are independent and written by users and reviewers with no affiliation with the company selling this product. The average Optimind review is quite favourable and users report results when using this supplement and no serious side effects have been reported. The product is among the most popular on the market and has an impressive following. In addition, the company has a solid reputation, including an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. What the product lacks is clinical research to demonstrate the effectiveness of the product.

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Popular assembly line methodologies

Over the years, and thanks to advances in technology and the rise of automation, numerous variations in the methodology of assembly lines have been developed.

Another factor in the evolution of assembly line methodologies is industry itself. Each industry has developed its own optimum techniques to speed up manufacturing. This is also true for each specific company within an industry, because, for example, capital limitations can impact a businesses’ plans for introducing new machinery or production methods. In addition, changes in international business competition, availability of materials and new regulations can all influence the structure of assembly lines in different industries. What follows are brief descriptions of the most popular assembly line methods in use today.


Cell Manufacturing

Cell manufacturing is a production method that has evolved due to the availability of machines that can perform multiple tasks at once. Cell operators can generally perform three or four tasks, and operations like materials handling and welding are often performed by robots or machines. Cells of machines can be run either by a single operator, or a work cell made up of multiple employees. It’s also possible to link older machines with newer ones in machine cells, thus limiting the need for additional investment in newer machines.

Modular Assembly

Modular assembly was conceived as a method of improving throughput on assembly lines by boosting the efficiency of sub-assembly lines that feed into the main line. In the example of automobile manufacturing, there are several sub-assembly lines devoted to manufacturing the chassis, interior, body etc, each of which feed into the final assembly line where production is finished off.

Team Production

A more recent development in assembly line methods is referred to as team-oriented production. Whereas in traditional assembly line environments workers are usually assigned to one or two workstations and never move from these, in team production setups, workers follow a job all the way through each step of the assembly line, right through to final quality control checks. Supporters of this method claim that it leads to greater worker involvement and a more thorough understanding of the manufacturing process, which leads to better productivity.

U-shaped assembly lines

Despite the name “assembly line”, not all setups are in a ‘straight’ line. A U-shaped or curved production line can often be more efficient, depending on the industry. For example, workers can be placed in the curve of the U-shaped assembly line to improve communication between employees, which is often difficult when workers are placed in a straight line. It also means that each worker has a better view of the overall manufacturing process, so they can see what is coming and how fast it’s moving. This means that some workers can be deployed to perform several tasks at once, moving up and down the line as required to prevent bottlenecks. U-shaped assembly lines are far more flexible, and this flexibility brings enormous benefits to any manufacturing effort.

Pall-Pack delivers packaging solutions for all industries. They have a wide range of different packaging machines.

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In Vitro Fertilization and Your Options of Having a Baby

In Vitro Fertilization is a way to overcome barriers to traditional conception ... photo by CC user Ekem on wikimedia commons

Has having a baby been on your mind for some time now?

Unfortunately, many women (and couples) wanting to bring a new life into the world have struggled with this challenge.

One option on the table to conceive a child is in vitro fertilization (IVF), something that countless women and their mates have turned to over the years.

Whether or not IVF is in your current or future plans revolves around your ability to become pregnant with such a procedure, not to mention the expenses involved with in vitro fertilization.

Is IVF Right for You?

Start with taking a look at your current life, what your medical history (now and in the past) is, and what your financial outlook is.

In looking at how you are currently living, is now the right time to try to become pregnant? As millions of women can tell you, the timing has to be as right as possible in order to be able to successfully have a newborn.

In the event you have had trouble conceiving a child in the past or even just recently, will a fertility center be your best option to make your dream happen?

Depending on your location, you could go with a fertility specialist in Utah or another part of the country.

Take a look at the center’s history and of course its success rate at conceiving children.

Does the center have a solid past and present or has it had some issues when it comes to in vitro fertilization? Do other women and couples recommend the specific center you are considering or do they have some not so kind opinions of it? Finally, is the center you are looking at nearby so that you will have ease of travel or are they located a long distance from where you reside?

Another important component of IVF is what it will cost you (as an individual or as a couple) to follow through with the procedure.

The cost of fertility treatments typically vary from person to person/couple to couple. On average, one can expect to pay somewhere in the area of between $12,000 and $14,000 for the entire procedure, though all cases are usually different depending on the individual’s needs.

One option you should certainly investigate is will your insurance provider cover some or all of the costs associated with IVF? In many cases, the health insurer will not offer coverage for the entire process, but it may compensate for diagnostic testing needed to get the process rolling.


Success Rates Truly Do Matter

Also take the time to look into a center’s success rate with in vitro fertilization.

Do numbers back up its claims to be the best choice for you wanting to conceive a baby? Has the center not delivered on its promises at times and actually left women and couples disappointed in their ability to conceive a child?

Patient testimonials (oftentimes found on a center’s website) are a great look into whether or not this might be the fertility center for you. While all patient comments should always be taken with a slight grain of salt, they can be very beneficial to you in making your mind up.

Just as many consumers shop online these days for their lifestyle requirements, you can also use the Internet to learn a wealth of information about IVF. Doing a Google search of your center or centers of interest will help you in finding what facility best suits your needs.

Another key component in the mix is will your center of choice offer any refunds if you ultimately are not able to become pregnant? Refund programs are available with a number of centers that is of course assuming you meet the necessary criteria to obtain one.

One last item to keep in mind is the support you want and quite frankly need from friends and family during the IVF process.

Turn to those you might know who have opted for in vitro fertilization, getting their viewpoints on the success or lack thereof from it.

While patient testimonials might leave you a little skeptical at times, hearing from those you know and trust should give you more piece of mind, helping you in your ultimate goal of becoming a mother.

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Is a Breast Augmentation Procedure on Your 2016 Schedule?

Does a Breast Augmentation Procedure make sense for you? ... photo by CC user 27735730@N00 on Flickr

Deciding on whether or not to move forward with breast augmentation can be a tricky decision for millions of women.

On the one hand, countless women see such a procedure as helping them restore some of their outer beauty, along with even improving their self-esteem to a degree. On the other hand, opting for breast augmentation can feel a little overwhelming (even risky to some women), not to mention the financial costs that come with it.

So, where does that leave you if you’ve been contemplating having breast augmentation in the near future or later down the road?

Know the Facts Before Making the Decision

To start with, women across the country should make sure they gather as much information as possible about a Utah breast augmentation or wherever they might reside.

Unlike some other surgeries which are relatively quick and easy, breast augmentation is more involved, though millions of women do it on a regular basis.

Just like you would want all the facts (positives and any potential negative ones) on lap band surgery, knee or hip replacement surgery, even the aforementioned breast surgery, look at the following questions:

  • How do I stand to better myself by having breast augmentation surgery?
  • What are the potential medical risks from such a procedure, both now and down the road?
  • Is this something that I can afford right now (check to make sure your chosen surgeon has no hidden costs) or should I spend the money elsewhere?
  • How much time will I need to recover from the procedure and are there any long-term ill effects?
  • Can I expect to notice a difference in the shape of my breasts soon after the procedure or will this take a number of months?
  • Will this be a one-and-done procedure? Can I expect to go back for more than one breast surgery procedure during the remainder of my life?

Lifestyle Changes

Once you have the surgery, what potential lifestyle changes can you expect?

First, look at the possibility of becoming pregnant down the road after a breast augmentation.

It isn’t uncommon for many women to wonder how their bodies will change with one or more pregnancies in their near or distant future.

If you’ve had breast implants and decide to become pregnant not too far in the future, will the shape of your breasts change due to carrying and delivering a baby?

According to various medical experts, most women can expect their “new” breasts to stay relatively the same shape (they will in most cases though enlarge as normal) during a pregnancy. If a child is in your near future plans, it is typically thought of as best to wait until after childbirth to have a breast augmentation procedure.

Another area where lifestyle changes take effect with breast implants is when it comes to relationships.

It is not unheard of for a boyfriend or husband to pay for breast implants for his significant other, with parents sometimes even doing it for their daughters.

On the first option, the subject of breast augmentation surgery being discussed by couples is certainly not a surprise. While some men may push their wife or girlfriend towards such a procedure, the woman is ultimately the one who must decide if it is best for her physical and emotional well-being.

While having the procedure can certainly change a relationship to a degree, both parties need to be on the same page as to why the surgery is being considered and how it will impact the woman.

When it comes to parents wanting to fund a daughter’s breast implant surgery, a couple of factors come into play. They are:

  • Do it for the right reasons – When a parent or parents opt to buy their daughter breast implants, it must be done for the right reasons. With more female teens getting the procedure these days, keep in mind that young women in that age range have a lot to deal with already (both physically and emotionally). Giving breast implants as a graduation or birthday gift etc. must be in the best interests of young women, not because older adults think their daughter or loved one will look better with them;
  • Explain the procedure – While countless breast implant procedures are done on a daily basis nationwide, it is important that both parents and their daughters understand all surgeries come with some risks. Make sure all risk are clearly explained, along with noting that a young woman’s life will likely change with such surgery on a number of fronts. If there are any hesitations for either parent or teen, take more time to think the procedure through.


Whether an adult woman or a teen looking at breast augmentation, get the facts and find a surgeon who you can feel 100 percent comfortable with before opting for what many women is a life-changing decision.

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Ways to get a loan when you have bad credit

If you have a poor credit rating, that means banks, credit unions and other financial organizations will define you as “high risk” and most likely refuse to lend you any money. As such, if you’re having trouble saving money and need to get hold of some cash quickly you should try  one of the residential bridge loan lenders before you feel as if you’re at the mercy of notorious pay day loan companies that charge enormous interest rates on their loans. But you should be wary of pay day loans as they often lead to a vicious cycle where you end up borrowing money before your pay check comes simply to pay off last week’s loan, and on, and on.


So what private money lender and other options do you have to obtain cash fast?

Obtain a car title loan

If you own a vehicle, a car title loan is definitely a good option. Car title loans are quite similar to how pawn shops operate, in that the lender will asses the value of your vehicle and make you an offer based on that, with your vehicle being used as security for that loan.

If you accept the loan, the lender will keep hold of the title of your car until you have paid back the full amount. These loans are usually short-term loans though the interest rates are more affordable than with pay day loans. Make sure you do pay the loan back however. If not, the lender could repossess your vehicle.

Borrow from your friends or family

This is the most obvious option when you’re caught short. Most people know someone, either their parents or a sibling, or a rich mate, who can afford to spot them a few dollars if they need. Still, be sure to pay the money back, because not doing so is one of the fastest ways to poison a good relationship. If you’re looking to borrow a large amount of money from a friend or family member, it might be a good idea to legitimize the loan by creating a contract that includes the terms of the loan and the amount of interest to be paid, if any.

Apply for a peer-to-peer loan

Unfortunately not everyone has rich friends and family, but that doesn’t mean there’s no hope. A relatively new form of loan called a peer-to-peer loan might be a good option. This kind of loan is obtained from an online platform wherein you borrow cash from an individual as opposed to a bank.

Borrowers simply post a listing on one of the multitude of peer-to-peer loan sites asking for a certain amount of cash and stating what it’s needed for. Investors can then review your listing and decide if they want to loan you the cash.

Lenders will still check your credit rating, but because they are individuals you’ll likely be granted a lot more leeway, which means even those with bad credit have a good chance of borrowing the cash they need. In addition, peer-to-peer lenders usually offer lower interest rates than banks.

Pawn some valuables

If you have any valuable possessions you can choose to pawn them at a local pawn shop. The way it works is very simple, the pawn shop will appraise the value of whatever it is you wish to pawn, some jewelry for example. Based on that appraisal, the pawn shop will make you an offer to borrow some cash (at interest) and then you must agree on a time frame by which you can repay the loan and claim back your items. Be warned though, if you don’t pay up in time the pawn shop has every right to confiscate your items and sell them to recoup the money it has lent you.

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