Sexting: A New Form Of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a problem that has been faced by women in almost every society. Recently, with the rise in technology and information, sexual harassment has taken an entirely new form. Where before women had to experience catcalling or lewd glances when they were in public, now women (and men) can be coerced into giving personal pictures through sexting. As more people become comfortable sharing their bodies over the Internet, there is a risk.

Sexting is the act of sending sexual pictures or messages over the Internet. In recent years sexting has become much more familiar with the breakthrough in technologies. In the past, which still happens today, women have been subjected to sexual harassment from unwanted looks and catcalling in public. Now men can ask for personal photos simply by messaging a woman on social media websites. This is especially dangerous because it threatens the safety of the person in question. This form of harassment has become prevalent in both relationships and on social media sites. In relationships, it is often used to manipulate the other partner into accepting treatment they would not otherwise let themselves be subjected to. The issue has also been raised with regards to social media sites, including people without consent posting pictures from personal accounts.

Sexting is becoming increasingly popular; people find new ways every day to share their bodies over the Internet. However, this poses risks to both parties involved. Women can be coerced into sending intimate pictures of themselves.

How Does Sexting Occur?

Sexting can occur in two different ways. The first is that the person sends a picture to another person, with or without consent. It can be done through insecure applications such as Snapchat, where it is meant to disappear after a few seconds, but if the receiver takes a screenshot of the image, then it’s too late. Another way sexting can occur is when someone is coerced into sending a picture of themselves. This type of sexting is more dangerous because the sender can be threatened or even assaulted if they refuse to send it.

This type of sexting usually happens through social media applications such as Facebook Messenger. If a person sends a sext and then is coerced into sending another one, it can escalate into an issue that puts the sender at risk.

Sexting has increasingly become a form of sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexting may not be as severe as physical or verbal abuse, but it is no less than bullying, and if you feel uncomfortable with this type of activity, then you should take action. This can include reporting the incident to your superior or human resources department, depending on what the company’s policies are regarding sexting.

In 2012, Amanda Todd, a 15-year-old girl from Canada, committed suicide because she was being blackmailed after sexting someone over a webcam. The perpetrator forced her to send more indecent pictures by threatening to post the ones he already had. She ended her life out of fear of what could happen next if she did not comply with his demands.

In 2013 Rehtaeh Parsons from Canada attempted to kill herself after pictures were distributed around her school of her being raped by multiple boys.

How Can You Fight Sexual Harassment Online?

There are a number of ways that we can fight sexual harassment through the Internet. As technology evolves through time, so do the means of harassment and bullying. In addition to social media, there have been cases in which employers have harassed their employees. Even children have been subject to sexual harassment from adults on social media. In order to combat this, we can create better laws and rules for materials online.

In situations, you may even need a sexual harassment lawyer. Laws and regulations do not currently address all the forms of sexual harassment that can take place on the Internet. It is important that victims comprehend that they have a right to feel safe wherever they go and whoever they talk to. We must continue to fight sexual harassment and find ways to deal with it appropriately.

If you feel like you are in immediate danger, then call the police. There are many other laws and lawyers that can be used to get you out of this situation. You can get in contact with a lawyer that specializes in cyber-harassment, or you can go through human resources.

Researching for a lawyer can be time-intensive. Fortunately, you can look online to simplify this process and find the best lawyer for your case. If you feel like someone is harassing you over the Internet, stay calm and make sure to record every single thing that occurs in case you need evidence later on. For those who need more info, you find helpful resources through a sexual harassment lawyer Los Angeles firm. Although it may be difficult, strategize any possible solutions in order to avoid feeling helpless.

Sexual harassment is a serious criminal offense and can take many forms. Although sexting may not be as severe, it is still a form of bullying that can take place anywhere. It targets a person’s sexuality and forces them to do something against their will. Sexting has become a major problem among teenagers and adults because they are constantly using social media sites to communicate with one another online. In addition to this, receiving unsolicited sexual images from strangers over social media can cause young adults distress. No matter what age you are, there are ways that we can fight sexual harassment through the Internet by creating stricter laws and rules for materials put online. In order to combat this effect, we must continue fighting sexual harassment and find effective solutions. There are thousands of online groups dedicated to helping victims of sexual harassment through social media or email. We must continue fighting for our rights against sexual harassment no matter what form it takes. The Internet isn’t entirely a secure place, and you can find yourself in dangerous situations. It is good to have an awareness of these threats and know that you have the power to fight them off.

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How To Use An Accessibility Overlay On Your Blog

One of the best ways to improve web accessibility is to ensure that all images have an alt text or caption. This article looks at image alt text and what you should consider when writing it for your website. It also explains how to implement an accessibility overlay to enable screen reader users to access your images.

What Is An Alt Text?

Alt text, or alternative text, is a non-visible piece of information that tells a user what the image represents. It’s added to an image so screen reader users can get a sense of what each image on your website represents. Just like when you search Google, all the pictures have been given text by the webmaster, which describes them in some way or another – this is known as alt text. For instance, “alt=elephant” means that the elephant picture has been described with this particular alt text. All alt tags should be concise and relevant to give maximum accessibility benefit.

What Should An Alt Tag Include?

A good alt tag will include:

The topic of the image, or what it is about

What the image shows

An accurate description of the image – this should be kept short and concise for screen reader users. Try describing an image in eight words or less.

Alt tags should also be unique to each image so that if there are two images on your page with similar content, each one will have a different alt tag. You can use words like “the” “a,” “above,” “below,” and “side by side” once per page only, instead of overusing them in every alt tag.

A good test is to ask yourself whether you would get confused looking at your alt text (for example, would you mistake one elephant for another?) If the answer is yes, then your alt text probably needs revising.

An example of an alt tag is “Flowers in a vase. A woman holds flowers in front of her.” This text provides all the relevant information needed to understand what the image is about, describes it accurately, and can be used for multiple images with similar content even if the user enters different search terms.

How To Implement An Alternative Text Field

There are three ways you can implement alternative text on your website, depending on how much time you want to spend adding alt tags.

1. Implementing Alt Tags

If you want to improve web accessibility but don’t want to spend time implementing an alternative text field, then you can use the HTML5 figure and fig-caption elements to add alternative text directly into your document. The code for this looks like this:

2. The WordPress Plugin Way

An effortless way to implement alt tags is with a plugin. There are many plugins available for this purpose, such as WP Alt Caption. All you need to do is install and activate the plugin, edit your images in the media library, select an area to use as your alternative text field, and save changes. You can also use Google Docs and other image editing tools like Adobe Photoshop and GIMP to add alt text.

3. The DIY Way – Adding Alt Tags Manually

If you want to save time by not implementing a plugin but still want alt tags, then consider adding them manually in your media library or uploading the images again with alternative text (this is done in Flickr, for example). If you use WordPress, make sure you edit all your media files, including those embedded on other websites such as forums and guestbooks that might be hosted on your domain.

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Top 10 Tips For Being An ADA Friendly Company – accessiBe

Running a company can be a difficult task, no matter what industry you’re in. There are many things to take into consideration when building your company from the ground up, and this will only become more difficult once you’ve been given the responsibility of hiring employees or opening up a new branch of your business. However, there are ways to make your website more accessible to people with disabilities by using available tools on the web, such as accessiBe.

1) Be proactive – The lawsuits are just starting to come in because of changes made by the Department Of Justice regulations which went into effect March 15th, 2012. Don’t get caught off guard, and never assume that the changes made to your website will be enough. Have a plan in place so you can update your site quickly should you find that there are areas for improvement.

2) Determine what measures need to be taken – The next step after assessing whether or not your company is ADA compliant is determining which changes need to be made to improve your site. You can get the assistance of someone familiar with disabilities, but you want to make sure they’re not part of the problem (ie; Not using flash elements).

3) Get some help – If you don’t have the skills or staff necessary to address these issues, it might be time to hire an experienced web development company. Make sure you vet companies carefully, so they’re not just throwing out buzzwords about making websites more accessible.

4) Know that it will take time – You can’t go into this with the idea that everything will be fixed by the time your site goes live. This is an ongoing process and can lead to additional costs down the road if you have a large company with many branches.

5) Not everyone will be reached – Just like any other market, there are some people that will never purchase from your site, and this is especially true when it comes to disabilities. You may never see an increase in sales of certain products, but at least you’ll know that you’ve done the best you can to meet your requirements under the ADA.

6) Avoid using marketing – While it may be tempting to use buzzwords like ” Accessible Website Design ” and other phrases, this is not the best way to go about it. Using terms that are too fancy only confuses customers when they’re searching for companies online.

7) The future – As time goes on, you’ll start to see more changes to the ADA regulations, which will affect your business. These are typically not large scale, but you want to make sure that everyone is up-to-date with these changes so they can adjust accordingly.

8) Stay current – There are many organizations and events that help to keep people informed of the latest news. For example, National Disability Rights Network has several seminars that can be beneficial to businesses and is a great way for you to network with other companies in your area.

9) Resources online – There’s an abundance of information on this topic available online. From the ADA website to other sources, there’s plenty of information for you to read and sort through so you can find the solution that works best for your company.

10) The bottom line – You’ll always come across opposition when you do something to better your business, and in this case, this means finding a web design company that understands the needs of its customers. Keep an open mind and remember that there’s always more than one solution to any problem or issue.

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Planned Obsolescence – What is It and Ways to Deal with It

How often do you need to upgrade your mobile phone, laptop, or any tech device that you might own? It might seem to be necessary for quicker over the past few years as more companies are adopting a planned obsolescence policy.

What planned obsolescence entails is the business strategy that companies implement into their devices which causes them to slow down drastically or stop working after a specified amount of time.

Normally companies implement planned obsolescence to get consumers to dump older versions of their products in favour of newer ones releasing.

These companies either design their products to only last for a certain amount of time (normally 2-3 years) or they periodically slow down their devices by releasing updates to the phones as newer devices are released.

These strategies are used to make older products obsolete faster by making them unusable or unfashionable.

The result of planned obsolescence strategies is an increase in global electronic waste, environmental threats, and the yearly increase in the price of electronics.

What to do When Your Device Slows Down

  1. Repair Where Possible

Another strategy used by companies who implement planned obsolescence policies is that parts for their devices are either notoriously difficult to source or are extremely overpriced. As such, many of the devices we now buy are designed to keep us out.

However, not all gadgets are too difficult or expensive to fix, and there are many different websites that can help you with your repair job if you look hard enough. There are many legal movements springing up around the world advocating for our right to repair and you shouldn’t need to use all your  Lucky Creek Casino bonus codes winnings to pay for new tech.

  1. Use Free Open Source Software

Planned obsolescence does not only occur in the realm of hardware and physical devices but for apps and software too. When a developer decides that they will no longer support or work on the software they have developed, that most likely means that the app will begin its shutdown process.

Unless the code for that above-mentioned software is open source and free it will most likely be locked away forever, with no possibility of fixing and continually working on it yourself.

If you make use of free and open source software however then the source code will be available to the general public to fix and make necessary changes.

People can fix, make additions or remove pesky parts of an app and reupload it for download, meaning that the software will never have an expiration date, so long as people are interested in keeping it alive.

  1. Avoid the Latest Tech Trends

Many companies implement planned obsolescence strategies in order to lock us into their ever-evolving tech ecosystem whereby they release a new device every few years and we have no choice but to buy the gadget.

However, the only way to truly break this cycle is if we all, as a whole, decide to no longer buy the newer pieces of tech and support companies that do not implement these types of strategies.


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Tech YouTubers: Who Should You Watch in 2022?

We are now in the depths of the digital era. Most of us now accept that technology, devices, and the internet are a part of everyday life for everyone. Age does not matter anymore; technology now always serves everyone.

With this shift in the consciousness and acceptance of the importance of technology to human life comes increased attention to what is going on in the tech world. People want to know which new gadgets are becoming available for purchase and how to further augment their lives with the newest devices.

As such, tech channels on YouTube have grown tremendously in terms of the number of tech channels on the site but also in general popularity. Some of the biggest channels now operating are tech channels grossing billions of views and millions of subscribers.

However, the sheer number of sites all putting out different information about different devices makes it difficult to find information that is reliable but also fun to watch. This list will give you channels that make interesting but also extremely useful content, in terms of tech information.

3. The Verge

The Verge is one of the most popular tech channels on YouTube, boasting over 3 million subscribers. The channel uploads interesting tech-related videos daily and add a content spin on what they do.

They do not simply give you lists of “top 5 smartphones of 2022” but rather make it interesting and add stories to the content they release. They do release tech reviews (which are what most people want to see when visiting a tech channel) but they also upload genuinely thoughtful and interesting content.

For an example of their more interesting tech content see Springboard – The Secret History Behind the First Smartphone.

2. UrAvgConsumer

The name of this channel says it all. Judner Aura, who created and runs the channel, is a self-proclaimed average guy who just loves tech. This type of attitude and demeanour is very popular in the tech sphere as many viewers don’t know much about tech themselves and hearing just an average guy talk about his favourite tech is extremely relatable and fun.

Judner reviews all types of tech from smartphones to laptops to TV’s and even fridges. His channel has amassed over 3 million subscribers thanks to his relatable attitude and honest opinions of the tech that he uses.

He feels like one of your friends and there doesn’t seem to be any bias in his average tech opinions.

  1. Marques Brownlee

Marques is the undisputed king of tech on YouTube. At only 28 years old, Marques is a YouTube powerhouse with a channel boasting over 15 million subscribers. His channel revolves mostly around tech reviews but he also does opinion pieces and general tech news pieces. He’s the kind of reviewer who would love to talk about crypto slots and other exciting developments.

He is extremely well connected in the tech world having interviewed various Google MPs on his channel as well as interviewing tech titan Elon Musk in a video a few years ago. If you’re looking for reliable, interesting, and detailed tech content, you cannot go wrong with Marques Brownlee.

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Is Client Satisfaction Your Main Focus?

When you run your own business, it is safe to say you have a lot of things going on at one time.

With that in mind, how much time and effort do you put into client satisfaction?

It is important to always keep in mind that you would not have a business to begin with were it not for your clients.

So, is there more you need to do when it comes to satisfying the most important folks in your business world?

Never Overlook Customer Service

In doing what it takes to satisfy and keep clients happy, here are some things to hone in on if not doing enough of:

1. Customer service – How would you rate your level of customer service? If it is adequate at best, chances are some or many clients will go elsewhere. That is especially true if they have choices when it comes to your industry. So, make it a point to go above and beyond in the area of customer service. Make sure you talk to your clients and get quality feedback from them. That feedback can go a long way in improving the customer service you provide. You want to be sure you’re a good listener. Given your interactions with many clients can be rather short, be sure you make the most of them.

2. Equipment you offer – Depending on the business you have, you may offer a lot of goods and services to clients. The key is to make sure anything you offer is top-notch. If you run a spa, salon or similar business, the facility itself and the equipment you have needs to be first-rate. If it is not, chances are some of those clients will go elsewhere at some point. From a professional facial steamer to other products, review equipment. That is do so on a regular basis. If some items appear to be on their last leg, do your best to replace them. Not only is this practical from a service standpoint, you do not want to have injuries. That would be due to bad equipment. Such injuries could happen to either clients or your staff.

3. Providing updated tech – It stands to reason a fair number of your clients use a fair amount of tech in their lives. As such, chances are some or much of the tech they use is newer. So, do your part to keep your technology updated. Not only does is this items in your business clients will be exposed to, but also like your online presence. It is critical in today’s tech world to be up to speed on your technology needs. For example, do you have a small business app? Have you put together a first-rate online store to sell goods and services? Such things can make a big difference. Of most importance, they give you a 24/7 connection with current and prospective clients.

As you look to focus in on client satisfaction, where will your priorities end up being?

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How Formula 1 Racing Will Evolve in the Future – Dan Schatt

Formula 1 racing is one of the world’s most popular sports, according to fans like Dan Schatt. In this article, we’ll look at how the sport may evolve in the future. Here are just a few of the ways Formula 1 will change in 2022 and beyond:

Increased Sponsorship

One thing that makes Formula 1 racing so popular is its unpredictability. In any given race, any driver could win. This is because Formula 1 cars are so evenly matched. However, one of the problems with the sport is that the cars are so expensive to build. As a result, many Formula 1 teams have gone out of business in recent years because they can’t afford to compete.

This might be one reason why an increasing number of manufacturers are choosing to sponsor racing teams rather than own them outright. Manufacturers may also choose to work with existing teams, providing technical support. For example, Audi currently supplies engines to the team WRT.

There will always be a small number of manufacturers who want to own their teams, but many others may choose not to for economic reasons.

More Junior Formulas

One of the biggest problems with Formula 1 racing today is that there are no strong feeder series. Many of the drivers who could have become great Formula 1 stars are now choosing to race in other series – but only because there are no vacancies in F1.

The problem here is that there is no clear path from Formula 3 racing to Formula 1 . Consequently, teams are left to choose drivers solely on their ability to bring sponsorship money with them. This is not ideal, and one of the reasons for this lack of feeder series is that Formula 1 itself was spoiled by money in the 1990s.

Currently, there are two main junior racing series – GP2 and Formula 2 . However, neither of these provides a good bridge to F1 because they lack competition and prize money.

In the future, we may see more junior formulas that are better suited to preparing drivers for Formula 1. These could include a new GP3 series and a Formula 3 series that uses electric cars.

More Races in Asia

Formula 1 is currently very popular in Asia, and this is set to increase over the coming years. The Chinese Grand Prix was recently dropped by the Formula 1 calendar but will return in 2020 at a new track in Shanghai.

The move is part of Formula 1’s attempt to balance its traditionally European calendar with more races in Asia. It also reflects an increased focus on the Asian market, which will become the world’s largest market for luxury goods by 2020.

4) Virtual Reality

One of the ways Formula 1 is looking to stay ahead of the curve is by embracing virtual reality technology. In the near future, fans will be able to experience races from the cockpit of a Formula 1 car using virtual reality headsets.

This will give fans a much closer view of the action and allow them to experiment with different driving strategies. It may also be used to train drivers in the future.

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Five Ways to Fund Your Business

One of the main concerns of running a business is how to keep it funded for the initial period of growth. You have a vision for your business, but you also understand that it might take a while to make the kind of money necessary for optimal growth. Still, you need to get to the point where you are growing and making money. This is why it is so important to invest money in your business. When you don’t have any more money to invest, or simply don’t want to put any more of your own money into the venture, here are five ways to come up with some extra cash to fund your business and help it grow.

Lower Overhead

Before anything, you should do your best to lower your overhead. Your overhead is the amount of money you have to pay to keep the lights on, which includes rent, salaries, and other expenses. You should also begin by decreasing the amount of money you have to pay to stay in operation. Once you have taken a deep look into where this money is going, you will have a better idea of how you should move forward.

Understand the Difference between Turnover & Revenue

Another thing you should do is understand the difference between turnover and revenue. As your company grows, you will go through your assets at a particular pace. Turnover is how efficient your enterprise is at managing the resources and cycle of business. Revenue is how much money you are making selling products or services. When you put in the work to understand the impact understanding the difference has on your business, you will be able to more faithfully put your own money into the company.

Localized Loans

When you run a business and want to put more money into it, you should look into local lenders who understand the regional economy and standard of living. Whether you’re looking for Missouri installment loans or Texas installment loans, each place has its own local economy. A personal loan from a local lender may be just what you need to invest more in your business. Depending on the availability of local lenders, business loans are another option.

Business Loans

Beyond local personal loans, business loans are another option for finding the appropriate funding for your business. Lenders are more enthusiastic about allowing you to borrow money when they believe in your business. If you work with a lender who thinks your business will be a success, they will have peace of mind in letting you borrow money. Whether you’re opening a restaurant or are starting a tech start-up, the most important thing when it comes to business loans is that you work with a lender who believes in your mission.

Find Investors

Similarly to working with business lenders, another way to get the funding you need is to find investors who believe in what you are doing. The only way an investor will get on board is if they believe in you, the product, the service, or brand. You should also understand the different types of investors by company stage. Still, if you’re lucky enough to find someone who has money to offer and believes that your venture will be a success as long as you have enough money to grow the company, you will be in good shape.

Business is dynamic. A good idea is a good idea, but there’s not always the money behind good ideas. If it is too much of a risk, no one will want to gamble on it. It is, however, necessary to have funds to expand a business and help it thrive. While you could lower your overhead and understand the difference between turnover and revenue, you still may need funds from a loan or investors.

Whether you are taking out a personal loan for business or are doing your best to find passionate investors who believe in what you are doing, the struggle to fund your business is real. When you believe in your idea, it’s difficult to give up on it just because you don’t have enough to get started. Utilize these methods and think outside the box to make sure your business gets enough funding to thrive.

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Breastfeeding Education for Moms

A Surprisingly Complex Reality

So you’re a new mother, and you’re eager to do the best you can. But as you cradle your newborn, there seem to be issues with breastfeeding. What’s the issue? Well, it could be a number of things. Perhaps you’re one of those rare mothers who give birth to a child who has a tooth, or even several, and this makes nursing incredibly painful.

Maybe your child is perfectly normal, but the act of nursing leaves your paps so raw, it’s hard for you to nurse regularly, and you need to use breast pumps to express milk which you store in a refrigerator for later feedings. While your nipples will “toughen up” eventually, this process can take time, and it’s certainly uncomfortable.

Sometimes these aren’t the issues you’re dealing with, but you’ve got problems expressing milk. Your baby is hungry, but your breasts are “dry”. What do you do then? Or maybe expression isn’t an issue, but your milk ducts get clogged for whatever reason. Then there’s inflammation which develops into mastitis.

These are all common issues most mothers contend with at one time or another as they nourish their newborns. Plenty of solutions exist, we’ll cover a few things you might want to consider here.

Seek Consultation

Here’s a link to a few best practices as regards what helps with milk production. Some solutions are physical, others are nutritional. Maybe you’re dealing with mastitis and clogged milk ducts owing too poor form in terms of the newborn’s latch. In that scenario, consultants can help you latch better.

Find Proper Nutrition

In other situations, the problem you’re dealing with is improper nutrition. You’re not eating right, and as a result your breasts aren’t producing milk in the amounts they should. That’s a real issue, and it’s one you have some level of control over. Fenugreek, varying grains, fish, and proteins can all help your breasts produce more.

Emotional Issues

There is an emotional component to breastfeeding. The smell of your baby’s clothes or the sound of his cries can prompt your body to express breastmilk. If you’re having trouble nursing because of associated discomfort, you can use sounds and smells to help your body produce milk, then pump that milk for use later.

It’ll keep a week in the fridge and six months to a year in the freezer; but you’ll likely want to warm it up so the baby likes it, and that can involve using a microwave, which isn’t healthy. If you’re forced into this situation, use a bottle heated in warm water, then test the heat on your wrist before feeding the child. This is superior to microwaved breast milk.

Twin Issues

With one child, if you’re having discomfort, or you’re dealing with uneven milk production, you can simply switch the child to the other breast. With twins, you’ve got two infant-shaped footballs under each arm that are exceptionally hungry. If you get sore paps then, or latching issues on one side or the other, things get complicated. Nursing consultants are integral.

Being the Best Mom You Can Be

Motherhood is always going to be difficult, and the first array of challenges you experience (after the trial of giving birth) will involve nursing. If you’re going to nourish your newborn, you want to find proper nutrition, emotionally center yourself, seek consultation, and consider what solutions exist for unexpected situations like the logistics of feeding twins.

These things are all real issues, and there are real solutions, so whatever you do, don’t give up. You can do this.

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6 Useful Gadgets For The Home Of The Future – Available Today

Six Household Gadgets That Will Make Your Home Feel Sci-Fi 

1. An Electric Lighter

What’s the big deal? You may wonder. Electric lighters have existed for decades!

True, but those lighters still ran on gas, and it was only the spark that was electric. The new SUPRUS USB-powered electric lighter, however, doesn’t rely on gas, or even a flame. Instead, it creates a super-heated plasma charge at its tip using electricity. This may sound dangerous, but the SUPRUS lighter has a treble-lock safety mechanism, designed to keep the user safe from accidental use, and has passed CE, RoHS, and UL safety tests and certification.

This handy electric lighter is further windproof and can be easily recharged via USB, making it perfect for everyday household tasks like lighting candles, stoves, barbeques, and log fires, etc.

2. A Digital Herb Grower

The AeroGarden Harvest is a small and portable countertop digital herb-growing device, that uses a full spectrum 20-watt LED light system to amazingly grow herbs up to 5 times faster, and without the need for soil. Looking much like an ordinary pot of herbs at first glance, the AeroGarden Harvest is a self-regulating mini-grow room, and a brilliant addition to anyone’s kitchen.

Not only does it provide continuous herbs for the kitchen in a simple and hygienic manner, but it also looks great as decoration.

3. An Air Fryer

Once steam was the big thing in healthy cooking, but these days kitchens can get an upgrade. Introducing the Instant Vortex Plus 6-in-1 Air Fryer, which does exactly what its name implies, it literally fries food with heated air, and with brilliant results.

Now you can make restaurant-quality fried foods at home, and in the healthiest way possible. Whether meat or vegetables, the Instant Vortex Plus can also roast, broil, bake, reheat, and dehydrate food.

4. A Smart Power Strip

Always wanted to control your lights with your phone? The Smart Power Strip by Teckin makes it super simple and easy by connecting your device and lights via a simple Wi-Fi application. It’s as easy as playing at Black Lotus no deposit casino. At a very affordable price, the Smart Power Strip further provides surge protection, and can even act as a sort of alarm system by notifying the homeowner if someone turns on the lights when they’re not at home.

5. A Robot Mop

You’ve seen them in sci-fi movies since the eighties, and there have been a few attempts over since then at commercialising them, but now you can have your very own, highly affordable, iRobot Braava Jet 240 Robot Mop. This little gizmo will happily mop up the dirt and stains, get to those hard-to-reach places under cupboards, keep your home smelling fresh and clean, and all by itself while you get busy with other important things.

6. A Sensor Mirror

The simplehuman 8” Round Sensor Makeup Mirror has a sensor that illuminates the mirror and viewer in a pleasant natural light as you approach. It also has a distortion-free 5x magnification reflective surface, touch control for brightness level, and an led bulb that is guaranteed to last virtually forever. Furthermore, it’s cordless, making it a very handy, clutter-free household item.

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