In a world today where so much attention is focused on protecting the climate, more and more businesses are stepping up to do their part.
Whether it is doing more recycling around the office, purchasing and using office supplies that can then be recycled, getting involved in community cleanup activities, the list can go on and on.
That said what is your company doing to leave a positive footprint or two on the planet?
In the event you have been stymied as to how you can go about doing your part as a business owner or even an employee for that matter, don’t feel defeated.
As you will discover with just a little research, there are myriad of ways to contribute to helping the environment.
With that being the case, will your business be checking its climate footprint anytime soon?
Be Proactive and Creative
So that your business can be like Las Vegas Sands Corporation and others out there helping preserve the environment, remember these pointers:
- Research – First and foremost, work together with your employees to come up with ways your brand can contribute. While some ideas might pop into your head in a moment’s notice, others may take a little more doing. Hold occasional office meetings on this very topic, giving the entire staff a chance to knock heads together and come up with smart ideas. Given that many workplace meetings can be downright dull and unproductive, make these “climate” meetings fun. You can come up with ways (see more below) to encourage participation out of even the most reserved of employees;
- Contests – What employee doesn’t like a little contest every now and then? To help contribute to saving the environment, your brand can have the occasional contest, having various departments compete against one another in a friendly meeting of the minds. Most importantly, remind employees that these efforts are all for a good cause. You could have such contests as which department can manage to total the most cans, bottles, or even papers recycled. For something different during the week, give employees the option of working a half day on the weekends for a workplace recycling or community cleanup project. In return for participating, employees can have a half day off during a workday. Another option is to have your employees (those who reside not too far from the office and within a safe riding distance) bike to work one day a week, thereby giving their vehicles a rest. In doing so, they keep emissions lowered (at least one day a week). Getting away from driving also reduces the chances for an accident, though it is important that any employees cycling to and from the office do so in a safe manner. The employee who ends up cycling the most miles to work would win a prize, perhaps a gift certificate or even a day off. As you can see, there are many different options to consider, so get your thinking caps on;
- Promotions – It is also a good idea to promote any and all activities your business is doing to lessen its climatic footprint on the globe. Start an online newsletter going around the office, one that highlights all the various activities employees are doing to help the environment. Not only does this make the employees feel good about their efforts, but it encourages those who may not be participating just yet to give it a second thought. While you should never pressure or even force any worker into such a project, he or she may be more inclined to do it once they see the results and quite frankly fun others are having.
Businesses willing to check their climate footprints certainly do score some points with consumers in general.
As a result, they not only get their brands out in front of consumers, but they give them more reason to want to become a customer sooner rather than later.
If your business has been a little slow to helping the environment out up to now, change that moving forward.
As a company, your employees will feel better about their overall workplace efforts, while your brand will certainly receive some positive public relations in the process.