How Does a Credit Union Work?

The first thought of many people who need to take out a loan is to turn to banks. But there are other institutions in the financial system that you can apply to for a loan, such as Payday Depot or a Credit Union.

Brief Credit Union History

The first Credit Unions appeared in the 19th century. In 1934, president Franklin Roosevelt adopted the Federal Credit Union Law, thereby creating more favorable conditions for their development and dissemination. It stated that a credit union could be established under federal or state law. The adoption of this law was followed by the creation of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund regulated by NCUA, and their deposits have become insured at the federal level. Now that you know a bit of history, let’s try to understand what the credit unions are and how they work. 

What Is a Credit Union?

Credit Union services are quite similar to bank services, but with one significant difference. Banks attract customers and provide them with their services, whereas a Credit Union is а member-owned, member-controlled financial cooperative. Serving millions of people, Credit Unions are managed by a Board of Directors with a principle of one participant – one vote. Credit unions are open to everyone, and all members can participate in the elections of the Board of Directors. According to federal laws, these people serve credit unions as volunteers and don’t get compensation.

Credit Union vs. Commercial Bank

While commercial banks operate exclusively based on the profit received from their customers, the goal of Credit Unions is to provide their members with the necessary financial resources at more convenient conditions. Credit Unions work on the not-for-profit principle, but this doesn’t mean that they are charitable foundations. Credit Unions still need to provide some profit for themselves to cover operating expenses. The services provided by Credit Unions include:

  • Deposit accounts and boxes
  • Debit and credit cards
  • Consumer loans
  • Car loans
  • Mortgages
  • Home Equity Loans and many more

Thanks to the Credit Unions’ business model, many of these services will cost less. 

Types of Credit Unions

Credit Unions can be classified based on the level at which they are registered. This classification has two types:

  • Federally Chartered Credit Unions, regulated by the NCUA.
  • State-chartered credit unions, regulated by the government. It is worth mentioning that not every state has a state-chartered Credit Union. 

Besides, Credit Unions differ depending on who can become members of the Credit Union in question. Here are some examples:

  • Local Credit Unions
  • College Credit Unions
  • Military Credit Unions
  • Employer Credit Unions
  • Group Credit Unions

Bottom Line

Along with reasonable prices for services, credit unions also have restrictions. Firstly, it is necessary to be a member and make contributions to benefit from them. Secondly, the Credit Union network is not as widespread as the banking one. In addition, they do not own large assets like banks, and because of this, they may have stricter limitations when it comes to providing services.

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When You Should and Shouldn’t Take Out a Loan

There are many reasons why people apply for a loan. Sometimes people apply for loans out of necessity. Sometimes people apply for loans to buy products or services that are not really needed. It is important for people to understand the cost of taking a loan. There are many factors affecting the cost of getting a loan, such as your credit score, your assets and your job. The size of a loan varies from a few thousand dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars. There are many reasons why someone should take a loan or should not take a loan.


Why you should take a loan

1. Buying your first home

This is one of the good reasons for you to apply for a loan. A home loan allows you to own a home instead of renting an apartment. The loan can be repaid in 15 or 30 years and you will get the lowest interest rates if your credit history is good. A home loan also gives you tax benefits, and can be easily calculated with a no charge tax tool!.

2. Student loan

If you are a student, then applying for a student loan is a good choice, as it allows you to get a degree in an area that offers good job opportunities. The government backs most of the student loans and the payment terms are very generous. The loan offers a way of funding your future.

3. Loans for Investments

If you are financially independent and responsible, then you can take loans to fund your investments. For example, you can borrow money to buy investment properties. These kind of loans are not suitable for regular folks. You must have the necessary financial knowledge and assets to apply for such loans.

Why you should not take out a loan

1. Bad credit history

If your credit history is not good, then you will not get the best loan terms. You must work on increasing your credit score before you applying for a loan. Typically, banks and lenders will charge you higher rates if your credit is not good. If you are someone with a poor credit history, then you should refrain from taking a loan.

2. Purchasing assets that are depreciating

If you are planning to buy assets such as automobiles, which are depreciating over periods of time, then you should not consider taking a loan. It is always recommended to take a loan to purchase items such as a home, which are appreciating in value and act as a hedge against inflation. Most people are in the habit of purchasing depreciating assets such as furniture, TV, smart phones, and automobiles by taking high interest loans. This is not a good idea.

3. Private loans

There are many private loans available today. These are very expensive. You will end up paying very high interest rates. It is always recommended to get a loan from major banking institutions and lenders. If your credit is not good, then you may be tempted to get private loans. You should not consider this option unless it is for an emergency situation.

4. Borrowing from credit cards

Credit card companies offer balance transfers. However, after the initial period of lower interest rates, the interest rates will increase drastically. Your monthly payments will go up. Do not fall for high interest balance transfer offers from credit card companies.

There are many reasons why people take out loans. However, there are not many good reasons why people should take a loan or should not take a loan. Some of the reasons listed above are helpful if you are a would-be borrower planning to take a loan. Taking a loan is a financial burden and should be avoided unless it helps you to accumulate real assets, which are appreciating and lead to financial independence.

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Philanthropy Does Not have To Be A Slow And Painful Slog

It is truly unfortunate that many people tend to shy away or ignore altogether the issue of global poverty alleviation. Their reasons are justified by the fact that poverty is a stubborn social issue that has complex and multiple causes. Many of those who are fighting global poverty lament that the process is indeed very slow and painful. However, the website 170 Exchange has a solution that is not tedious and actually benefits all parties. In the United States, commercial real estate companies can receive a tax deduction if they choose to do what is called the 170 Exchange or Bargain Sales. The way it works is that the owner of a property donates the property to a non-profit entity for a charitable contribution based tax deduction. This allows the commercial real estate company to immediately save money on paying taxes, as opposed to saving taxes in the future.


The Welfont Group Uses the 170 Exchange to Fund the Mercy Foundation

The Welfont Group is a commercial real estate company that specializes in acquiring under-utilized or distressed properties. It can also connect other commercial real estate companies with non-profit organizations so both can benefit from the 170 Exchange. This is truly a unique service that not many other companies can offer.

Industry Veterans Sound Off on the Welfont Group’s Expertise on 170 Exchange

Robert W. Wood, a contributor of Forbes Magazine reiterated the niche service offering of the Welfont Group. “While you can make a simple swap of one property for another, the odds are slim you will find someone with the exact property you want who wants the exact property you have.” This is why the Welfont Group is well known for its ability to create suitable matches between commercial real estate firms and non-profit entities that can legally take advantage of the 170 Exchange because as Gary Keller, author of “The Millionaire Real Estate Investor” confirmed, “It’s a very straightforward procedure, but it take some planning. This program in the IRS tax code allows you to sell and buy properties without having to declare capital gains or pay those taxes.” Those words certainly sound like music to the ears of many commercial real estate brokers!

From 170 Exchange to Micro Loans Funding Philanthropic Causes

The Welfont Group disburses micro loans through the Mercy Foundation in order to help those who are less fortunate all around the world. These micro loans are usually used by small businesses, usually family managed, to expand so that they could make small but effective changes that help them get out of debilitating poverty. One example is a family in Georgia that uses the micro loan to buy more milk cows so that the family can make and sell more cheese products. The extra income is then used to renovate their dilapidated house, repay the micro loan and reinvested into the family dairy business. Instead of relying on donations, this family pulls itself out of poverty. What a beautiful thing to see.

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Save Money by Refinancing Your Loan


Did you know that you could save a whole lot of money by refinancing your auto loan? You may, for instance, have had bad credit when you took the loan out, which meant your interest rate was really high. If your credit rating has since improved, your rate could also be lowered, meaning you save a great deal of money overall. Even just half a percentage drop can equate to several hundred dollars. This also means that you could pay your loan back quicker – if you continue to make the same repayments, which means you save even more money. While an excellent idea, you do have to make sure you know how to actually secure the best deal.

Using the Internet for Refinancing

Thanks to the internet, it is now easier than ever to find the best deals on just about everything. This includes auto refinancing deal. By using these tools, you are able to check exactly what the difference is going to be to your overall disposable income.

How to Save Money by Refinancing

  1. Find out whether there is a lender out there that is able to offer you a loan at a lower rate than what you currently have.
  2. Do you have a W2 paycheck? If not, you will need two years of tax returns to prove income.
  3. If you refinance as soon as possible, you will save the most money overall on interest. However, you may also end up having to pay an expensive early redemption fee, which means it will be more expensive overall. Make your calculations properly, therefore.
  4. Keep your eye on the financial market. Even a small drop in interest can make a huge difference on how much you pay overall. Every drop in point is a dollar in your pocket, at the end of the day.
  5. Spend some time researching the companies that are out there before you apply. Find out how easy it was for others to make the application and to get approved, and how long it took for the entire process to be completed. Make sure you particularly look at their level of customer service.
  6. Try to negotiate on the interest rate. You could also do this with your existing lender. They want to keep you on their books, after all, so they may be willing to make a concession.
  7. Never borrow more than the current value of your vehicle, so check out how much it is worth right now.

When it comes to your finances, you have to do a lot of research so that you always have the best possible deal, and this is doubly true for refinancing. You should be able to find some good refinancing calculators online, particularly through companies that offer these types of loans, which should tell you exactly how much you can save overall. You could actually save several thousand dollars over the lifetime of your loan, so it is certainly worth looking into.

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