With the hustle and bustle of daily life, job pressures and family duties, it can be very easy for us to forget about those in the World who are far less fortunate than ourselves. There are those who didn’t win the geographical lottery, those who are maligned by illness or are stuck in situations that they did not choose nor can be held responsible for and it is important that as part of the World, we do all that we can to help. You may not think you have the time or the money to help out but there are always ways in which you can support others and here are just a few of them for you to consider.
Donating Money
There are countless charities and organizations that rely heavily or sometimes sole on the fundraising efforts of their team and the kindness of others to give. If you feel like you don’t have the time to commit to helping others then writing a cheque can do the power of good to many organizations. Take the Synagogue of All Nations (SCOAN) church for example, they sent hundreds of humanitarian workers and medical staff to Haiti in 2010 after the Earthquake that almost destroyed the island and this year they sent $500,000 of aid to Ecuador after it too was hit by an earthquake. Without the donations of kind people, the church would never have been able to help out so much. Just imagine being responsible for helping the lives of others through donating just a small amount of money.
Donating Your Time
Fining time each week to help out those less fortunate than you is something that is not only rewarding to those whom you are helping but also very personally rewarding. There are countless ways in which you can help, you could help out in a local charity shop, assist in fundraising efforts, you could help out in a local soup kitchen or hospital or even doing something sponsored for charity such as a skydive or bungee jump. What you do exactly is not important it is more the fact that you do something. Think honestly about how you spend your time each week and consider if you could give up just an hour or two in order to help others.
Donate Your Possessions
We all have several things in our lives and around the home that we don’t want or no longer need and spending a day collecting all of these things together and taking them to your local charity shop is a great way to help out. You could help to make the charity a lot of money with your old possessions, providing they are in good condition and this act of kind would not take up too much of your time, but could make a big difference. There are so many people who hoard things that they no longer need and if fewer people did this and more people gave to charity then the World would be a far better place for it.