Website Accessibility Benefits Everyone – accessiBe

There are companies out there, companies like accessiBe, that are taking on the challenge of making the internet accessible for everyone. They are helping people around the world make sure that disabled people don’t feel left out or left behind as the internet continues to grow. Because sadly, this has been the experience of some. Many disabled internet users have been left angry, frustrated or upset by the lack of support offered by some companies. 

What is being done?

Fortunately, the issue is being addressed. Many governments have made laws to ensure that websites are accessible to the disabled. Over the last few years, the number of lawsuits that have been brought forward regarding this issue is continuing to grow. Companies have ruined or damaged their reputations by not making their websites accessible. 

Also, as mentioned above, there are companies that are helping to make big strides in this area. This is with the use of a website accessibility overlay. This means that you can add software to your website that will then scan code to find any potential problems for a disabled person. It will the automatically correct those potential problems and there you have it – an accessible website. This has taken so much of the work out of it for companies and made it much easier, cost effective, and fast, to get an accessible website. 

What are the benefits of an accessible website?

Some of the benefits are obvious. You will be making sure disabled people have equal rights on your website, as everyone else does too. This also results in peace of mind for you, knowing that you have done the right thing. Although that isn’t the only benefit for you and your company. 

As mentioned above, you will avoid breaking the law and a possible costly, reputation damaging lawsuit that follows. But even aside from all of this, you will be giving your website the potential for many more visitors. Did you know there are approximately 1.3 billion disabled people in the world? Think what that could mean for you and your business to give 1.3 billion more people the opportunity to look at your site. And yet another benefit to your site is that it isn’t only governments that want you to be accessible. Search engines also approve of accessible websites and will rank you higher for making sure you are.

There are also benefits to your existing website visitors or anyone new as your site will be simpler and easier to understand and follow.


Website accessibility benefits everyone and there is no excuse for not getting your website fully accessible now. So, what are you waiting for?

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