How to Look Great Even as You Get Older

People fear getting old. Many retain their youthful appearance through most of their 20s. Soon after then, they wake up to an unpleasant surprise: a rapidly retreating hairline, a silver hair, or a dreaded wrinkle – all of these are cause for alarm.

In a blind panic, they desperately seek out ways to slow down their aging process. Until Aubrey de Grey delivers us immortality, though, there are ways we can gum up the works of time.

Whether you engage in regular exercise or use specially developed cosmetics made by firms like Jeunesse, you can defy logic and mess with the minds of your peers. Here’s how to do it:

1) Establish exercise as a habit

It’s a bad cliché, but it’s true: use it, or lose it. These sayings hang around because they all contain a kernel of truth which ensure they pass from one generation to the next.

When you go out of your way to stress your body physically, your muscles develop micro tears, they heal, and grow stronger as a result. In old age, this helps to maintain or slow decays in strength.

If you just lay around all the time, these muscles simply atrophy, leaving them at risk for further withering as you get older.

How do you think some elderly folks end up in rocking chairs, while others are out kayaking rivers and skiing at the age of 86?

When you work out regularly, you also adopt a toned look that is pleasing to the eye. What’s more, larger muscle cells have a higher mitochondria count.

This means you’ll burn a lot more fat than your less active friends, who grow plumper as their puny muscles can’t even begin to make a dent torching their massive energy stores. Whether you are kayaking rivers or simply going for long walks, exercise is essential!

2) Hydrate yourself properly

Nothing helps our cells work better than having plenty of water on hand. When you remember that we are made of 70% water, it makes perfect sense.

When you fail to consume enough, your cells can’t get rid of their junk properly. This can lead to damage in the long run.

Additionally, a lack of adequate hydration can pose aesthetic problems for your skin, as pores that are chock full of dirt and oil will result in a face (or arm/back/leg/etc) full of acne if they aren’t flushed regularly with water.

By downing eight glasses a day, you will give your system enough water to function optimally.

3) Care for your skin like you give a crap

If you want to look amazing whether you are 18 or 80, you need to care immensely about how you treat your skin. It is your avatar to the world, so treat it with respect.

Start by washing your face the right way, by using a toner/astringent to cleanse oil and grime before using a gentle cleanser. About 2-4 times per week, use an exfoliant to scrub off stubborn dead skin cells.

With regards to cosmetics, stay away from products that use harsh compounds whenever possible. When you are out of the public eye, clean it off thoroughly, as many products clog your pores with ease.

Just got one of those dreaded wrinkles? Breathe, relax, don’t panic – there are many products which can minimize or cloak their existence.

By doing these things, you can maintain the appearance and feel of youth throughout your life.

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