The Basics in Selecting a Laboratory Freezer

Laboratory freezers are very high quality appliances. They have to be, because often what is placed inside them must have their temperature maintained precisely. For this reason companies who provide laboratory freezers must be prepared for their products to meet stringent standards in safety and performance required for the lab.

With this being said, not all laboratory freezers are created equal and not all freezers serve the exact same purpose. This article will discuss the function each different laboratory freezer serves and how to determine which one suits your needs.

What is a laboratory freezer?

Laboratory freezers are designed to adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety. Unlike their consumer cousins, they are designed to work problem free under the most difficult conditions and to perform at a high level of quality for extended periods of time. Their parts are more heavy duty and medical grade and in some cases they are custom built for a specific purpose or space. They also have special features including alarms to alert if the temperature changes within the unit outside of allowed tolerances, digital temperature displays, and a door lock. Consequently, they cost considerably more than consumer freezers.

Laboratory freezers excel at delivering high levels of performance including:

  1. Being durable and reliable so that there is assurance that no contents placed in the freezer will be damaged. They must be able to store: vaccines and other medications that must be stored according to CDC guidelines, chemicals that require specific consistent storage temperatures, lab samples such as blood and bone marrow, and biological research samples that include tissue, fluids and cells.
  2. Being able to meet ultra-low temperature requirements.
  3. Being able to maintain temperatures consistently and within the stated tolerances.
  4. Having controls that are easy to utilize.
  5. Having a complete range of features.

Types of Laboratory Freezers

While they are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, there are four main types of medical freezers that you will come across during your search for the perfect unit. Upon examining the various options, your facility should have no problem finding a freezer that meets the unique needs.

Upright Laboratory Freezer

These are the most common laboratory freezers and they are also the most accessible to anyone working in the lab. They stand upright like consumer refrigerators and come in a variety of sizes and shapes from ones that fit on a counter top to ones that are very large and need their own dedicated corner of the laboratory. They will all have shelving to focus on allowing scientists easy sight and access to contents placed inside them. They are commonly used in nearly every research facility and hospital.

Under-counter Laboratory Freezer

When floor space is an issue, many labs opt to purchase an under counter lab freezer. These freezers are typically built into a cabinet and fit exactly into a specified space. In terms of its function, it can provide the same functionality as an upright freezer, but its size will be limited. Also these freezers will generally have an installation cost.

Laboratory Chest Freeze

These freezers look like the chest freezers that are common in restaurants and some homes where they are used to store larger, or bulkier items for longer periods. They typically open on the top via a hinge in the back. They usually have minimal shelving.

Ultra-Low Temperature Laboratory Freezers

In the lab setting there will be the need to store some materials at temperatures as low as -85° Ultra Low Temperature Laboratory Freezers are designed to reach and consistently maintain these temperatures. To provide its functions these freezers use a lot more power than the other types of lab freezers, so expect higher electricity bills. Ultra low temperature freezers come in a variety of sizes.


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How Risky Is The Contraceptive Pill?

Millions of women around the use the contraceptive pill, quite probably because it is the most effective method of preventing pregnancy. Indeed, with a 99.9% effectiveness rate when taken correctly, pills can be classed as extremely reliable contraception. As with most medicines, however, some women do find that they have side-effects, or that there are drawbacks to taking the pill, so just what are the benefits and disadvantages of taking the pill?

In regards to the advantages, contraceptive pills, such as Gedarel are very reliable and will prevent unplanned pregnancies if taken as per the manufacturer’s directions. Pills are more convenient than many other forms of contraception, and they allow women to be in control of their fertility with no interference during sexual activity. Taking the pill can also help women who suffer from heavy bleeding during their period, as taking it usually makes periods shorter, lighter and more regular. Pills can also give women an element of control over their periods as it is possible to skip periods safely by continuing to take tablets during pill free weeks when taking the combined pill and often women taking the progesterone only pill don’t have periods at all.

Taking the pill can also help protect against certain types of cancer, such as ovarian or uterine cancer, although it is worth bearing in mind that sometimes pill usage is linked to an increased risk of other types of cancer. Acne sufferers can also often benefit from clearer skin through taking the pill, and users also report an easing of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle, so it’s often goodbye to headaches, bloating and stomach cramps.

The pill is perfectly safe to take, but there are some side-effects associated with its usage. These symptoms can include mood swings, breast tenderness, migraines, nausea or even changes in body weight. Often, these symptoms ease over time as users become accustomed to taking the pill, but if not changing the brand of pill can eliminate side-effects.

Taking the pill does put women at a slightly higher risk of developing certain conditions. The oestrogen hormone contained within combined contraceptive pills, for instance, can increase the risk of thrombosis. It is often recommended, therefore, that women who are considered to be at high risk of stroke or thrombosis do not take the pill and that smokers over 35 or overweight women take the progesterone-only pill.

It is also worth remembering that, although the pill is extremely effective at preventing pregnancy, it can only work so long as the user remembers to take it every day. If you have a busy life and think there is the potential that you could struggle to remember to take a tablet every day it might not be the contraceptive for you. Forgetting to take just one pill could lead to the onset of ovulation which could result in an unplanned pregnancy following unprotected sex. There are reminder apps that can be used, or alarms can be set up on phones, but women need to consider if they will be able to think about taking a pill every day before they decide to rely solely on this method of contraception.

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The Tools for Healthy Living

Eating healthy food doesn’t have to be a chore and can make a real difference to your life. Sure, everyone from time to time slips into a bad habit or two, such as overdoing the burger and fries or having too much soda or even a little too much alcohol. However, as long as those don’t turn into permanent habits where you are damaging your health because of what you put into your body, you can use lots of ways to prepare and eat healthily and enjoyably.

Take the time for preparation

It is, unfortunately, so easy to slip into resorting to pre-packed foods or takeouts when you’ve had a hard day at work and you’re tired. However, if you’re prepared with the right tools that can make things really easy for cooking or making a delicious salad, then you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen to whip up a tasty meal. Once you’ve got into the swing of it, you’ll wonder why you’d never done it before.

Here are some ideas for some great tools to help make your food preparation so much easier and give you all the nutrition that you need.

Getting the right pans

Pan-cooked food can often be tarnished because of the fats that you use in the pan. Now and again that can be fine, but if you want to eat healthier, you need to look for a pan that will let you cook without those additional fats. You can, of course, use a variety of oils for pan cooking, including olive, corn, and vegetable, as well as butter.

One of the healthiest ways to prepare your pan-cooked food is by using a Gotham Steel pan, allowing you to sear steaks and retain their delicious juices, broil fish just enough so that the flesh doesn’t get tough, and simmer a whole range of sauces. You can also sauté vegetables, such as potatoes and mushrooms, without the need for added fat – the perfect way to enjoy some really healthy meals.

For boiling vegetables, make sure that you have some sturdy copper-bottomed pans so that the heat is quickly transferred to the water and results in less electricity or gas used when cooking.

A quality blender

Fruit and vegetables are an essential part of having a healthy diet, and when you have the time, especially in the morning, it’s ideal to sit down with a grapefruit or some oranges to get plenty of vitamin C and fiber into your body.

If you’re in a rush in the morning, you can easily grab some fruit and put it into a quality blender to give yourself the perfect smoothie or shake. You need a blender that will take out any lumps to give you that professional smoothie texture, and you can experiment with all sorts of fruits and vegetables – try mixing them up – to achieve your favorite flavor. You can also prep these at night, quickly and simply, so that they’re ready for you in the morning.

Salad chopping

Sometimes, it seems as though preparing a salad can be hard work, chopping away with a sharp knife; however, actually, it is worth it as salad is one of the healthiest types of meals that you could have. Raw salad means that you get the benefit of all the nutrients without any of them being taken out by cooking. The crunch of a fresh salad, with lettuce, radishes, cucumber, young tomatoes, and any number of other ingredients, sends a signal to your body that it is going to like very much.

Invest in a salad chopper, throw your ingredients into a bowl, and chop away until you have things exactly how you want them. It’ll save you a lot of time, and you can prepare exactly as much as you want so that there is no wastage.

Preserving leftovers

Food wastage is a huge problem, especially in the Western world, so rather than throw things out, you can get jars that have airtight seals that will help preserve many different foods. You want to preserve freshness, so using these can help with foods such as lemons, avocados, and zucchini so that they don’t spoil or dehydrate. Plan your menus ahead, and you can use everything that you buy over a number of days and save yourself money.

Eating well

It doesn’t have to be a hassle to eat well. Healthy food is easy to prepare, and if you put the time aside, you’ll soon find that there is a real difference in how you eat and the health benefits that follow after.

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5 Top Health Career Paths to Consider if you’re an IT Geek

The wonderful thing about technology is that it provides many career paths to suit the tastes of anyone who is a tech fanatic. What’s better is that there are many industries surrounding technology that can be taken advantage of with the right degree. If you’re a bit of a geek when it comes to technology, why not consider a career in health informatics? Here are some of the top jobs in the industry.

1.      Clinical Informaticist

As a clinical informaticist, you’ll either work in a small office environment on your own or you’ll be a part of a team of other clinical informaticists within a hospital environment. Your job will depend on the industry you serve, but working on the computer throughout the day is a big part of what you’ll do. If you’re not updating data on databases you’ll be entering new data to be made available for other health care professionals to use.

2.      Informatics Analyst

You’ll work with a variety of data as an informatics analyst and a big part of your job will be to analyze current data to provide answers to common clinical questions. You will often collect and dissect data to help you provide the answers. The data you analyze will depend on the industry you are in. Many analysts work in insurance claims whereas many others work in the educational sector.

3.      Informatics Manager

If you really want to climb the career ladder, a career as an informatics manager could be the ideal role you seek. As a leading informatics specialist, it is your job to oversee other informatics technicians and you’ll also be responsible for ensuring specific information is available when it’s required. As a manager, you will likely work in a hospital environment to oversee many data-driven projects.

4.      Nurse Informaticist

As a nurse informaticist, you’ll very much be the glue between healthcare product developers and nurses using the equipment. It’s your job to understand the healthcare industry and to find innovative ways of making nurses jobs easier. Typically, you’ll be a liaison to the developers so you can give them the information they need to have the best chance of developing the next product that’s going to change health care.

5.      Informatics Director

A step up from a manager, you could well be the next informatics director of a large hospital or another health care cooperation. Your job is to promote informatics systems and implement them so they work for the entity. You will be the go-to person for all informatics data and information on how things can be done to make working more efficient. It’s one of the most lucrative jobs in the world of informatics.

To be in with a chance of landing any of the above jobs though, you’ll need to study hard, and that means obtaining an online health informatics degree using an online MSHI program.

There are, fortunately, thousands of jobs available in a variety of industries in health informatics. However, you’ll still need the relevant personal skills and the motivation to succeed, as it’s still a very competitive industry.

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How to Look Great Even as You Get Older

People fear getting old. Many retain their youthful appearance through most of their 20s. Soon after then, they wake up to an unpleasant surprise: a rapidly retreating hairline, a silver hair, or a dreaded wrinkle – all of these are cause for alarm.

In a blind panic, they desperately seek out ways to slow down their aging process. Until Aubrey de Grey delivers us immortality, though, there are ways we can gum up the works of time.

Whether you engage in regular exercise or use specially developed cosmetics made by firms like Jeunesse, you can defy logic and mess with the minds of your peers. Here’s how to do it:

1) Establish exercise as a habit

It’s a bad cliché, but it’s true: use it, or lose it. These sayings hang around because they all contain a kernel of truth which ensure they pass from one generation to the next.

When you go out of your way to stress your body physically, your muscles develop micro tears, they heal, and grow stronger as a result. In old age, this helps to maintain or slow decays in strength.

If you just lay around all the time, these muscles simply atrophy, leaving them at risk for further withering as you get older.

How do you think some elderly folks end up in rocking chairs, while others are out kayaking rivers and skiing at the age of 86?

When you work out regularly, you also adopt a toned look that is pleasing to the eye. What’s more, larger muscle cells have a higher mitochondria count.

This means you’ll burn a lot more fat than your less active friends, who grow plumper as their puny muscles can’t even begin to make a dent torching their massive energy stores. Whether you are kayaking rivers or simply going for long walks, exercise is essential!

2) Hydrate yourself properly

Nothing helps our cells work better than having plenty of water on hand. When you remember that we are made of 70% water, it makes perfect sense.

When you fail to consume enough, your cells can’t get rid of their junk properly. This can lead to damage in the long run.

Additionally, a lack of adequate hydration can pose aesthetic problems for your skin, as pores that are chock full of dirt and oil will result in a face (or arm/back/leg/etc) full of acne if they aren’t flushed regularly with water.

By downing eight glasses a day, you will give your system enough water to function optimally.

3) Care for your skin like you give a crap

If you want to look amazing whether you are 18 or 80, you need to care immensely about how you treat your skin. It is your avatar to the world, so treat it with respect.

Start by washing your face the right way, by using a toner/astringent to cleanse oil and grime before using a gentle cleanser. About 2-4 times per week, use an exfoliant to scrub off stubborn dead skin cells.

With regards to cosmetics, stay away from products that use harsh compounds whenever possible. When you are out of the public eye, clean it off thoroughly, as many products clog your pores with ease.

Just got one of those dreaded wrinkles? Breathe, relax, don’t panic – there are many products which can minimize or cloak their existence.

By doing these things, you can maintain the appearance and feel of youth throughout your life.

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Does Your Personality Change throughout Your Life? If So, Can You Control It?

Fact: Major Changes Take Place in Personality As You Mature

Long-held theory on personality is that it is intransigent to change. It is assumed that our personalities are developed in childhood, and fixed for life. Outgoing personalities remain so, introverted personalities remain so, aggressive personalities remain so, and calm personalities remain so, and so forth. But new research from Sanjay Srivastava PhD goes counter to the grain of conventional wisdom. Extensive research was conducted on 132,515 adults between the ages of 21 and 60. Over their lifespan, the top 5 personality traits were studied. These include neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. Quite surprisingly, there were major changes in personality as people aged. The most notable changes in personality took place with those who are disciplined, organized, and led structured lives. This aspect of personality increased with age, as people’s careers started to blossom in their personal lives developed.

Another important personality trait that showed dramatic change over the years was affability. People are generally more inclined to be kindhearted and affable after the age of 30, according to the study. This trend continued throughout later years, particularly among women, but was present in men too. Not all aspects of personality are as likely to change as others. For example, extroverted personality behavior and neurotic personality behavior showed gender discrepancies. Younger women generally scored higher than men in those departments. Over time however, that gap narrowed. Of course, the personality factors that were studied online and in person are subject to demographic, locational, cultural, and other factors.

Can You Up the Ante by Playing to Your Personality Strengths?

Interesting data has been collected over time, and there is compelling evidence to suggest that success is possible with all personality types. Nowhere is this more evident than competitive gaming. Poker remains the most glaring example of how a specific personality can succeed, regardless of the conditions. This is called playing to your personality strengths. A risk-averse player can be as successful as an aggressive player in the game of poker. A great example of this is Bruno Politano. This poker champ has always played his cards close to his chest, and he has won an incredible $1,185,614 to date. He maintains that despite the situation, every play should be deliberate and the least amount of risk should be taken. His deliberate plays are closely associated with the organized personality type. Otherwise known as The Rock, Bruno believes that variance is less important than knowledge in games of poker. This dovetails perfectly with his personality and game plan.

Can You Control Personality Changes?

All personalities have strengths and weaknesses. For many of us, it would be desirable to be able to control our personalities by being less aggressive, more assertive, extroverted or impassioned about certain things. The fact of the matter is that no single personality is best for all situations. What is preferable is the right emotions and behavior at the right time. Many folks wish for a different personality type such as an extroverted personality if they are introverted. Other folks wish that they were more organized and disciplined when they live in a haphazard laissez-faire sort of way. Can you possibly change your personality type? While personality cannot really be changed too much, if at all, our traits can be adapted to meet our life challenges. In other words, our environment directly impacts the traits and behaviors inherent in our personality. In a stressful situation, we may rely more on our organizational skills and diligence to succeed than we do on our introverted nature.

This makes us appear to be assertive when we are inherently shy. Another great example is the difference between our work lives and our social lives. At work, we may be inclined to be assiduous and detail oriented, organized and structured. Outside of work, we may enjoy cutting loose and being hedonistic. Which is the true personality type? Are they mutually exclusive? It should be pointed out that a sociable person may not necessarily be an extrovert. Somebody who is affable to others in public may not be an extrovert by nature. By contrast, an introvert who is sociable may be mistaken for an extrovert. We learn certain behaviors, and character traits from our interactions with our environment.  Consider these as your shadow traits, and careful management of them will be conducive to a happier existence.

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The Ongoing Debate about Medical Marijuana

Marijuana continues to be classed as a controlled substance, not just in this country but in many others as well. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is Schedule I substance, which means it has no medical use and has a high potential for abuse. However, various studies now suggest that this is incorrect, and that cannabis does in fact have medical uses. The debate has been raging on this for a long time, although it seems that the “pro cannabis” side is winning. This is shown, for instance, in how easy it now is to find marijuana delivery Los Angeles companies.  So what are the arguments for both sides of the debate?

Arguments for Marijuana

  1. It is a natural substance that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. We know that organic and natural products are better for us, and marijuana is essentially a natural herb and therefore better than synthetic substances.
  2. There have been numerous reports that THC, the active component in cannabis, is beneficial in the reduction of chronic pain, particularly in cancer patients. Additionally, THC helps to lower feelings of nausea and vomiting that chemotherapy patients often experience. Other studies have shown benefits for people who suffer from multiple sclerosis, that it is antipsychotic, and that it can help prevent glaucoma.
  3. The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) is an organization in this country that has received a wealth of support from prominent doctors and medical professionals, including the American College of Physicians, who are campaigning for a re-evaluation of the classification of cannabis.
  4. Many countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Austria, Spain, Finland, and Israel, have legalized it when provided on prescription. Several states in this country have also followed that example.

Arguments Against Marijuana

  1. There is not a lot of data available on how efficient it is, and how safe it is. There have been no peer reviewed studies on the safety of cannabis in particular. It must be proven to be both safer and more effective than existing medical substances if it is to be accepted.
  2. It contains various unknown chemical components. It is not possible to truly know what the right dosage is for different uses, and different varieties of plants. Furthermore, cultivators are increasing the potency of their plants.
  3. It has the potential for abuse. Cannabis has long been a recreational drug, and can therefore be abused as well.
  4. There needs to be a safer delivery system. Smoking marijuana means that it goes against anti-smoking regulations, and that patients are also exposed to the dangers of smoking.
  5. It doesn’t cure illnesses, but only alleviates the symptoms.

It is unlikely that there will be a complete agreement on this debate any time soon. However, what seems to weigh in favor of the “pro” camp, is that people who have used cannabis have felt better. This, above all else, should drive policy – the fact that people’s quality of life is improved.

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Buying for These Things Will Boost Your Mood!

Science has proven that shopping can lift up your spirits. In a recent survey by TNS Global on behalf of, around 52 percent of respondents said they’ve engaged in “retail therapy,” the act of shopping and spending to improve one’s mood. Shopping for many people can be like a mini-mental vacation, and this has been consistent for both men and women. So if you are feeling down, here are some purchases that can lift your mood:

Small Purchase – A Song Download

Music has positive physical and mental effects on our bodies. As we listen, music works on the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling blood pressure and heartbeat, as well as the limbic system, which is responsible for feelings and emotions. A review of 23 studies in 2009 involving almost 1,500 people found music helped to reduce blood pressure, and anxiety in heart disease patients. Music can benefit psychological wellbeing, too. Research from the University of Missouri found that upbeat music can have a very positive effect on our wellbeing. And, you feel better even if you are listening to sad music. So for the price of a music download (less than 99 cents) you can feel great while singing along with your favorite song.

Medium Purchase – A Dog

Ask a dog owner, if having a dog is worth it, and you will almost always get a resounding yes. Ask them why, and you will hear that having them around makes the owner happy. The social support provided by pets is comparable to that from a fellow family member. One of the reasons for these happy feelings is that dogs fulfill the basic human need to touch. Even hardened criminals in prison have shown long-term changes in their behavior after interacting with dogs, many of them experiencing mutual affection for the first time. Stroking, hugging, or otherwise touching a loving animal can rapidly calm and soothe us when we’re stressed or anxious. The companionship of a pet can also ease loneliness, and most dogs are a great stimulus for healthy exercise, which can substantially boost your mood and ease depression. Dogs can instill a greater sense of self-worth and self-esteem in their owners. They make the perfect companion and lift your mood.

Big PurchaseA Car

Buying a car seems like a long way to go to improve your mood, but think of it as making a big purchase once to have mood lifter for many years. Driving is an awesome experience. Once you develop the automatic, intuitive way of switching indicator lights, interchanging clutch/brake/accelerator pedals so smoothly you barely notice it yourself; listening to the revs on the edge of your conscious to know when to switch gears; master the traffic rules and how to use them to your advantage and the way traffic flows; you become a part of a single organism that is the car with the driver, with your hands and legs becoming extensions of its gears and axles, making the complex mechanism fulfill its transportation task impeccably.

Your see hear and feel everything and fly along the road without a care in the world. This is the thrill you can get from driving a car and why it is so good at lifting your mood. The great part of it, is that you do not need to purchase a high-priced brand new Mercedes, you can buy a used Ford car and get these same feelings. So make the purchase and feel great about it.

So next time you are feeling down, don’t feel bad about wanting to spend your way out of it. Retail therapy purchases are overwhelmingly beneficial at leading to mood boosts with no regrets or guilt.

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Benefits Of Facial Serum

What would you do if you could reverse the signs of aging? What if you could apply a special serum to your face and look younger in no time? Well, it’s not only possible but within reach, if you know where to look. TimelessHA is a company dedicated to providing the best anti-aging creams and serums for your face so you can look fabulous at any age. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, then take a look at some of our Timeless anti-aging serums and see what they can do for you.

Ferulic Acid Serum

One of the biggest reasons that our skin shows signs of aging is that it’s exposed to the elements on a daily basis. Sun is the most important factor as it will cause your skin to lose elasticity and firmness over time. To help prevent this from happening, ferulic acid will help boost your collagen and keep your skin intact. This product uses various natural ingredients, including high levels of Vitamin C, which helps reverse aging.

Matrixyl 3000

As far as getting rid of wrinkles, this is a fantastic way to do it. This compound has been shown to improve collagen synthesis up to 350% in lab settings, so it can do wonders for your skin. Even if you already have wrinkles, our unique formula will help reduce their visibility and make you look years younger in just a few weeks. Overall, Matrixyl 3000 is far better than the alternative Retin-A.

Hyaluronic Acid

At TimelessHA, we know that this acid is a major component in the fight against aging. Hyaluronic Acid is a crucial ingredient that retains moisture at a remarkable rate. In fact, in lab settings, Hyaluronic Acid can hold up to 1000% of its weight in water. We provide it in concentrated doses to revitalize your skin, and we add it to our Matrixyl solution to improve your overall results. You’ll notice a remarkable difference as soon as you put this serum on your skin.

No matter which product you choose, all of our Timeless anti-aging serums are proven to be effective and long lasting. Now you can look as old as you feel.

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7 Best Dog Breeds for Apartments and Allergies


Kids: not the best choice for kids

Allergy: hypoallergenic breed (here and after means that the dog rarely causes allergies)

Apartment: suitable for small apartments

These sweeties with rich bushy eyebrows, protruding lower lip, beard and a pride intact suit people with a good sense of humor. Lap dog is the oldest small breed fancied. Initially, it was created to hunt rodents. You should not keep it together with cats, but for those who lack company, it is the perfect variant.


Kids: perfect, especially for girls

Allergy: hypoallergenic breed (rarely causes allergies)

Apartment: suitable for a small apartment (the dog tolerates travel, hotels, flights)

York has been the most popular breed for the past few years. They are living toys, allowing you to dress them up and carry them under your arm. They will give their masters the ocean of ​​tenderness and love. And, despite its diminutive size, York is a clever dog.


Kids: fluffy dogs; are very fond of children

Allergy: the breed is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies

Apartment: the best breed of dog for an apartment (lap dog, easily tolerates traveling).

It is a perfect dog for keeping it in the apartment. The dog is unpretentious, easily adapts to all the changes and does not require constant training ( the dog will understand basic commands at the age of 5 months). This is an obedient and one of the smartest dog breeds. Besides, with a special haircut, they look like a teddy bear.


Kids: gets on with children

Allergy: hypoallergenic dog (almost does not fade and does not smell)

Apartment: suitable for small apartments

It looks like a white snowball. A cheerful and playful breed. Bichons are smart, flexible and fearless. They do not tolerate rudeness and penalties; you need to be patient with them. They are not aggressive, but very affectionate and gentle. Bichons enjoy haircuts and photos; they even know how to smile!


Kids: it loves children

Allergy: does not cause allergy to hairs

Apartment: suitable for a small apartment

This is the most miniature dog in the world. It is devoted to his master and sometimes is jealous of him to others. However, the Chihuahua is not aggressive or intrusive. They love their home, including children, and are willing to endure them, whatever. But they do not trust strangers. Chihuahuas are smart and careful and have a wonderful memory. They get on well with cats and other dog breeds.

Related: Your dog smells you – better than you think


Kids: not recommended for small children

Allergies: leading the list of dogs that do not cause allergies

Apartment: suitable for the conditions of a small apartment, but requires frequent walks

The breed is energetic, independent and intelligent by nature. A close emotional bond appears between the dog and the owner rather quickly, so the dog is likely to become your best friend. But they are suspicious and unfriendly to strangers, as well as to other pets. The dog is very interesting and unusual. In fact, the Basenji is not able to bark but only to make a gurgling sound, if something unpleasant happens. Some dogs can sing!


Kids: not suitable for children, but likes to play with teens, therefore, appropriate for boys

Allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

Apartment: suitable for small apartments

This dog is a battery that will never let you get bored. They are always ready to play and run around but behave quietly at home. They are careful and clever, cunning and inquisitive. Jack Russell does not like strangers. It will protect you during the walk, and in the apartment. However, they are not aggressive but are very active. Jack is a good watchdog, despite its small size. And, of course, the most charming feature of the breed – is the ability to stand on their hind legs, begging for treats, or apologizing for tricks.

This article was written with the help of our friends from date ladies from Russia

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